Tallest firearms tales.


New member
You know the ones. "I hit that pop can at 700yds with my 22LR!"

Stuff like that.

This really gave me a chuckle. One day at work I was telling this guy I was getting great groups at 200yds since I started reloading. So then he says, "Yeah, my brother reloads. He hits light bulbs at 5 miles with his .308Win."

So then I started amusing myself with his stupidity. "So how many yards are in a mile anyway?" I asked. "Uhh, a lot! HAHAHAHA" He replied.

Then I started pointing to stuff. "How far away do you think that is?" I asked pointing out an object roughly 400yds away. "Oh, I'd say about 1.5 miles."

Then I met his brother one day and told him what my coworker had said about his amazing shooting skills. He said "Yeah, he's an idiot" LOL

Evil Dog

New member
Shooting Cheerios at 1000 yards... at dusk... on a windy day... offhand.... standing on one leg.... holding rifle with 1 hand... both eyes closed.... 50 caliber bullet must have gone right through that hole as the Cheerio wasn't damaged !!!

Trapper L

New member
This is a real story. My little brother and I were hunting in the Blackjacks in Texas for turkey. I had my trusty Winchester Model 43 in 218B and he had his Winchester Model 92 in 25-20. We heard turkey back in the brush and stopped the old 59 Willis Jeep wagon and decided to go see if we could get a shot. We had walked about 150 yds and came to a clearing and on the other side were several turkeys, one a ground draggin' bearded monster. We froze, they froze. And all at once they took off. My brother took off running and as the bearded great one had about 20 feet of altitude, my brother shot from the hip. The distance was about 125 yds. The gobbler fell like he got hit with a ballistic missle. Both of us looked at each other in amazement. I told him the gobbler must have had a heart attack, he couldn't have hit him. Well, when we got to him, there was the most dead centered hole in the gobblers neck. It just wasn't his day. Unfortunately, my little brother makes shots like this often. It's hard to compete with a natural shooter. He does practice hip shooting with pistols and small rifles. He also is a paid trapper and does quite well doing it.


New member
(Keep in mind, when reading the folowing, I"m from the swamps of south-eastern NC where an 80 yard shot is considered long. Very dense brush.)

Things I've heard from other hunters/shooters.

You NEED a .300 weatherby or 7mm mag to hunt eastern whitetails.

A 30/30 isnt enough gun to hunt deer.

A .243 will flip a deer if you hit it.

A 300wsm is an instant "one shot kill" no matter where you hit it.

I hear 10 stories every year about 800 yard cornfield shots made at dusk offhand with a 30-06. Funny thing, the hunter that tells these stories complains about the 30-06 not having enough "knock down power" as the deer he shoots run forever. (Ya never even hit it, knucklehead! )

a .50 cal black powder is some sort of mythical gun with the power to stop abram's tanks in its tracks, and the recoil from said rifle breaks ribs.

"I like to hunt using primitive weapons" .... said by a guy with a synthetic/stainless in-line muzzle loader with a vairable scope on top. (btw, I dont think in-lines should be legal in primitive/black powder season)

A .22 wont even puncture a leather jacket. A tough guy can laugh it off.

The M14 is the greatest battle rifle ever made. A soldier armed with it is undefeatable. The sight of one covered with lasers and red dots will cause the enemy to die of fright. :rolleyes:

The M16 is the greatest battle rifle ever made, provided you follow this very detailed cleaning/maintence schedule...:rolleyes: (Sorta like calling a dodge/chrystler the best car ever made..... just remember to take it to the service dept OFTEN or it will leave ya stranded)

SKS,AK-47,AK-74, Draganov, Mosin Nagant, Saiga ect. Are worthless commie junk that will fly apart after the 3rd round fire, and you cant hit a trashcan from 5 paces with one.

This 1911/45acp will blow a man in half.

This "glock 40" will blow a man in half.

Revolvers? Eh, those things are too slow to shoot. (Wanna race?)

The .357 is an outdated or underpowerd cartrige (Would ya like to see me demonstrate on a watermellon?)

"I've got this uber taticool 12ga pump with 3 lasers, 2 red dots, a 54 shot tube extension, combat suspension system, a bipod, compensator, swiss army knife, chainsaw, and 110AC extension plug. I've never shot it, but the sound of the slide racking will kill anyone in a 30yard radius of my home." (Get yourself a plain-jane, used hunting pump. learn to use it well. You now have a usefull SD weapon.)

The *insert gun here* is the best SD/HD weapon there is. (the best weapon is one you can use well, and varies by person.)


New member
Father-in-law's out deer hunting when a raffle of turkey hens hit the feeder. He waited until two crossed necks and popped a double at about 80 yards. Tall story? I ate both birds.
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New member
My favorite was from a VN combat vet who could shoot 4" 100M groups using a M14 on full auto with tracers.

For some reason, he had trouble keeping short bursts from my MP5 on target at 10 yards. Bad day I guess. :)


New member
Brand new here, but I'll play:

The SKS in 7.62x39 that would shoot with pinpoint accuracy and a flat trajectory at 700 yards.

Noone but a weightlifter can shoot a 1911 in .45 without breaking their wrist.

The macho wife contest: So-and-So's 95 lbs. wife can shoot a .45/12 gauge/Barrett .50 cal offhand with no problems and loves the recoil. Funny she never comes to the range with him.


New member
A friend did one that had me wondering, but a couple other people I really trust agree it is possible.
He has a .204, loads do over 4000fps, he shot a spike in the back of the head at about 30yds, the deer did a forward flip.
I would not consider a .204 as a deer rifle, but may have to change my opinion.


New member
IIRC, the last one I heard was, "It'll shoot quarter (25 cent piece) groups at 200 yards." It was an RPK-type semi built from parts.


New member
I reload because no one will make my special formula . I reload .308 with 1/2 lead and 1/2 salt . I shoot at great distances across big valleys . The average deer that I shoot is about 18 to 20 miles away . Considering the terrain I must traverse to retreive the carcass without the salt it would spoil long before I get there .

PTR 91

New member
someone tried to tell me that all ak47's are full auto. Someone tried to tell me that 7mm "is like a pistol round smaller than 9mm". I was at the range holding my ak getting ready to shoot and I was shooting at a thin peice of metal. Some guy askes me if my ak made the dents on it. The dents were from my bb gun and thats what I told him.


New member
Now that i remember it... perhaps this is worth sharing...

When i was a child, there were rumors about the old man who lived on the corner... that he was an excelent shot. I asked my dad about it, and dad says "sure, he can flip an asprin in the air with his thumb, ans hit it with a .22 pistol" I was just a kid, but even i thought that it was an impossible feat. (I'd tried dove hunting earlier that year, and thought shooting anything smaller took an act of god).

For over a year, I thought my dad was just pulling my leg, but eventually, I did get a chance to see the old guy shoot. And yes, he could shoot an asprin in mid air. The old guy's in his 70's now. I dont know if he can still do it, but if he can, I'd love to make a video clip of it.

M3 Pilot

New member
Dang it Paratrooper, I thought I was the only one who had to do that. But here in eastern NC flatlands the range is more like 26 miles from treestands.

M3 Pilot

New member
And I'm getting old,fat & slow. If I get much slower the meat would spoil before I could get down from the treestand.


New member
DAMN M3 Pilot , you are living proof that the first BS'er don't stand a chance . LOL . What's a "tree stand"? I shoot on horseback at a full gallop .Off hand . Over my shoulder . At night .


Lever-actions are too old to be useful at all, you need an AR with laser and (tacticool things). Yeah, lemme load up the Puma with .357 magnum Buffalo Bore rounds and show what it does to pumpkins at range.

Tokarev pistols are made of lousy soft steel and will only last about a thousand rounds, that's how the Soviets made them.

...Guess someone else must have made mine... :D


New member
Fisherman:" I can pick up a dime with a forklift"

Me too!! I have probably made a week's wages betting people I could do it!!! An old time herman miller truck driver taught me that trick one slow day on the docks back in Michigan.

I had a friend of a friend tell me that he got a deer running at a full sprint across an open field, about 250 yards away with a 20 ga shooting foster style slugs. A few month later we happened to be in the very same field that he claimed he made the shot. My laser rangefinder must have been broken that day because it only measured 55 yards across....:)

I have way too many " 300 - 500 yard shot" stories that actually turned out to be less than 100 yards to recount here.

Keep em coming guys!!! These are funny!!!