Talk about being surprised!

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
About four months ago at the range I go to, I began shooting bowling pins at 25 yards freehand. (This was when using several of my handguns.) It didn't take long before 25 yards was not much of a challenge, so I moved them out to 50 yards. The best that I've done is to knock down 4 pins in a row with my S&W 625, which is a .45ACP revolver.

Yesterday I was testing some new loads with my Bersa Thunder 380, shooting freehand at paper targets from 7 and 15 yards. As I finished up my range session, I decided to see what I could do when shooting the pins at 50 yards freehand with the Bersa 380. Just for the heck of it, I decided that I would try shooting one-handed. (I was not really optimistic that I would even hit one.) I shot, and down went the pin. I shot again, and down went the next one. I was nothing less that astounded when the third one went down. :eek:

Maybe it was sheer luck -- I don't know. I do know that I've been extremely impressed with the accuracy of this Bersa since I got it not long ago. But if you had told me before yesterday that I could topple three bowling pins in a row from 50 yards with a one-handed grip, I don't think I would have believed it.

You can be sure that my little 380 will be going to the range with me next time to see if I can do a repeat! :D

Yoosta B. Blue


New member
I love my Bersa .380 and I'm very happy with it's accuracy. It is an amazing little gun, especially when you consider the price tag.

Amin Parker

New member
Hey i hope that winds comes along at my next bowling pin shoot. Lol

Seriously, good shooting. Sometimes a gun will just work for a particular person.

Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Just now finished putting together some 95 gr and 100 gr reloads to try in my .380 Bersa tomorrow morning. Here's hoping that the wind is again blowing in those sudden gusts just as I pull the boom switch! :D


Yoosta B. Blue

New member
Took another trip to the range today and just got back. Beautiful sunny day with no wind there at all.

I started off by trying a few shots shooting at bowling pins with the Bersa 380 freehand at 50 yards with a one-handed grip. In 15 shots, I didn't hit a single pin. That sort of took the wind out of my sails. :confused:

So I returned to shooting paper targets at 7 and 15 yards, shooting about 75 rounds at those. As I finished the .380 session, I once again tried the pins at 50 yards freehand. Though I did not get any consecutive hits this time, I did manage to topple three pins in 9 shots.

Critics and scoffers notwithstanding, I can see now that this is definitely doable. But in the future I'll wait until I'm somewhat "warmed up" before I try this again. :D

Yoosta B Blue