Taliban and Weaponery: Extremely Interesting!


New member
Perusing the online newspapers, I came upon the following news story from a Pakistan paper: The Millat

An extremely interesting paragraph states how we (the US) believe it should be quite simple to topple the Taliban because they "deweaponised" the citizenery.

Obviously, one must be cautious of these papers and propaganda. The entire story though, is quite interesting.

The link is:


Should that link become outdated, here is the story:

U.S. 'asks Pakistan to help topple Taliban' Islamabad |From Aslam Khan

In a report that could not be independently verified, the United States has reportedly asked Pakistan to help it topple the Taliban rulers in Kabul and replace them with "the legitimate government of Burhanuddin Rabbani," well-placed sources told Gulf News.

"The U.S. wants to bring in Rabbani, who is still recognised by most Western countries and many member states of the United Nations as the legitimate president of Afghanistan," the sources, who requested that their identity not be revealed, claimed.

When contacted for confirmation, senior Pakistan government officials denied this, saying they had no knowledge of this but confirmed that the U.S. had requested Pakistan to allow the use of its ground and air space as well as crucial intelligence information on Afghanistan.

The independent sources said that while it is not clear whether Islamabad will accede to Washington's "difficult demand," the U.S. has made up its mind to occupy Kabul through use of military force and bring back the legitimacy it sees belonging to the northern alliance as the real rulers of Afghanistan."

If restored to Kabul, they say, Rabbani will be tasked with forming a broad-based national government for Afghanistan.

They say Washington has decided that in order to get rid of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaida organisation "for good, it will be the best to get rid of the Taliban who have continued to provide sanctuary to him."

While the sources refused to elaborate how the plan could be implemented, they claimed that "it is not all that difficult" to topple the Taliban.

"The Taliban's strongest point is also their weakest: a highly centralised governance structure. Eliminate the top 10 to 12 leaders including (supreme leader) Mullah Mohammad Omar and the Taliban are gone," the sources remarked.

"Another fact that gives confidence to the U.S. is that the Taliban have already deweaponised their society and a swift and surprise attack will eliminate the government structure and the unarmed society will no longer be able to resist a precision operation," the sources claimed.

"All it will take (for the U.S.) forces for this plan to succeed will be to destroy the known eight to 10 ammunition depots of the Taliban through missile strikes simultaneously with the arrests of the top Taliban leadership," they said.

This, they added, will be followed by the airlifting of Burhanuddin Rabbani and his forces from the north of Afghanistan and their placement in Kabul and the "takeover" will be complete.

They conceded that it will be "next to impossible" for Pakistan to derecognise the Taliban "but if Pakistan can be assured that a legal framework can be provided to the whole operation through United Nations approval, then Pakistan will have genuine reasons" to go along.

"We must remember that only two other countries, besides Pakistan, have accorded diplomatic recognition to the Taliban and both Gulf states are U.S. allies. Therefore, it shouldn't be difficult to reverse the recognition if the Taliban are no longer in Kabul," the sources said.
<end of story>


Gary H

New member

"Another fact that gives confidence to the U.S. is that the Taliban have already deweaponised their society and a swift and surprise attack will eliminate the government structure and the unarmed society will no longer be able to resist a precision operation," the sources claimed."