Tales of the gun no longer on?


New member
I havent seen Tales of the gun on the history channel in a while and I went to there website searched for when its on and I got "no results". I hope they didnt stop playing it, it was one of the best gun-related shows on tv.
Anybody know more about this.


New member
One thing I do know about it is that you can buy the series on video tape from the NRA. They send you a tape every month or two and you can choose to buy it or not. If you do, the money goes to the NRA. I have recieved two so far. I send them money anyway, the tapes are a bonus.


New member
Tales of the gun reruns are always showing up on the History channel. Check the listings. Several were shown last friday afternoon. they do pop up at odd hours.

The only tapes I get from the NRA are hunting tapes, wish they would send "Tales of the gun" tapes instead of the "buba got his deer" tapes.


New member
I am sure they would be happy to send them to you. They are called the American Rifleman Video Collection. Those hunting tapes get old to me also. Every one of them has guys that have accents so thick you can cut them with a knife. They are almost always hunting on private property that you and I could never afford to hunt. Every comment they make ends with the word AWSOME pronunced with a super heavy accent (All some). Instead of paying attention to the program, you spend all your time wondering where these guys get jobs like this while you have to toil away for your daily bread.


New member
Last week under the "Then & Now" banner of shows, the History channel ran the "Story of Remington" and "The AK-47". You might want to look there and see if anything pops up.