Taking the S&W 6906 out today.


New member
What should i expect? This will be the first high power pistol i've shot or centerfire pistol i've shot. I never knew what model it was but i finally got home today looked at it and noticed it's an aluminum alloy framed 3" carry gun. Or what it appears anyhow. So what should i expect as far as recoil? I know thats a weird question.


New member
It will BLOW YOUR MIND :eek:.

No seriously it should be fine, have fun :)!

Smith third gens are good guns and the recoil should be relatively light given the alloy frame.


New member
I've got a 5906, they're great guns. Your going to love it. Note, it will kick pretty good. :D

Better yet, let us know what you think of it when you get back!


New member
Recoil was nothing I was expecting much more. I couldn't shoot it to save my life but I can't get used to the trigger I've never experienced anything like it. Its bizarre I've shot two stage rifle triggers and single stage rifle triggers. But this pistol trigger is something else.


New member
A pistol and a rifle are as alike as a motorcycle and a car. They both are automotives, but being good/experience with one doesn't always translate. A rifle is inherently a more stable system that can be much more forgiving on the shooter. Having issues going from rifle to pistol isn't a new thing. Give it some time and you'll ace it :)!


New member
I didn't expect to do good, but i was expecting something different with the trigger. Apparently a single action trigger like that of a 1911 is much better correct?


New member
"Better" is subjective. A Smith 3rd Gen trigger in SA isn't horrible by any means. I see a lot of shooters blame the gun/trigger for poor shooting. You're new to pistols, it's gonna take a bit of time. Is a 1911 trigger shorter and crisper? Probably. Is a 6906 a good gun capable of good accuracy? Yes.


New member
No thats what i'm trying to say, i'm not blaming the accuracy on the trigger or the weapon, i realize i have a lot to learn as far as pistols go. I dislike the trigger and am wondering what to expect on other handguns. Maybe it's something i just have to get used to? Talked to a friend who has a 1911 which i want to shoot. He knows that i'm big rifle guy, he told me flat out "your going to hate every pistol trigger" and i'm guessing they all have a ways of travel like a two stage but more exaggerated?


New member
I don't particularly like the trigger on my 6906, but most of my casual range guns are S&W and Colt revolvers, both of which have outstanding triggers in both single and double action, so it suffers by comparison. There does, at least in my experience, seem to be more variation in pistol triggers than in rifle triggers, but they're not all bad. I can guarantee you'd like the trigger on my Walter GSP Expert. ;)


New member
Not sure about your particular gun but many of the 6906 trade ins have been carried a lot and fired very little. The one I received from CDNN looked new inside when I broke it down. I wasn't real crazy about the trigger on mine when I first shot it. Especially when compared to the 5906(definately more used) that I bought with it. Over time though the trigger has gotten smoother as it breaks in. I also have to adjust my aim a little higher with this model. Whether its me or the sights, I tend to hit low if I don't cover the target with the front sight. Doing hundreds of dry fires with snap caps has really helped me get a better feel for it as well. The last couple of times at the range have been better and I am appreciating this nice compact more and more.


New member
I have a 6906 I bought new about 1990 and have rarely fired, because I hate the trigger. Also, the trigger always pinches the pad on my trigger finger, right behind the first joint.


New member
With my last new gun, I got started by sitting down and putting my hand on a rest. Took my time. Fire a round, look through a spotting scope or binoculars. Then fire another round and look. That helped me figure out where to aim. Then I finally stood up to hold the gun with my hands. By this time you've learned the trigger.

Steve in PA

New member
A 6906 was my fist off-duty/court handgun. Never had a problem or issue with it and it shoots superb! It is now my wife's bedside gun, as I've moved on to other guns. However, I would not hesitate owning another one.


New member
I don't have any problem with it other than i dislike the trigger.

We have a problem though.. i shot a Glock 21, Glock 22, and a Springfield XD...i'm hooked. Dad was even enjoying himself. He now says he's getting a glock 21. I actually liked the recoil of the Glock 21 more than the Glock 22. There was no comparison between the trigger of the Glocks and our 6906

I'm tempted to get a Glock myself wouldn't have to save fore 4 months, can find one readily, and would have something to put in the dresser at college.

Since my dad is getting one i'm going to continue saving for a springfield 1911 MC operator.



New member

I've got a 6906 that I bought new around 1989, carried it till 2007....then my wife decided she should have it........so I replaced it with a P2000SK. Very reliable and reasonably accurate gun in my experience.

Creek Henry

New member
Same story, got one a long time ago and used it for CCL until I got keltec p11. I used it last year to reup on the CHL and scored perfectly with it... again. They shoot better than they should and don't have the 'snap' a lot of smaller semis do. Also, the keltec can use the 12rnd clips.

I am in the market to sell it now just because I have 2 other, smaller CC guns and I want a Springfield XD 5.25 in 45.