Take your fathers shooting today!


New member
First of all, I'd like to say Happy Father's Day to all.

On 5/4/2010 we lost our father. He was an avid outdoorsman,shot competively and lifetime member of the NRA. Some of the best memories I have growing up were the times dad took us shooting/hunting. As I grew older, got married and had children. Things got busy and there was a period in life, I didn't take time to spend as much time with dad as I could've.

I was very blessed to be able to spend the last 9 yrs. with dad as he moved in with my wife and I. His ailments stopped him from doing many things he could once do. Mentally, that bothered him greatly.
He could still shoot and its something he and I would do often.

I'd watch the expression of absolute 'joy' on his face when we would shoot. It meant the world to him.

If your fortunate enough to still have your father and he enjoys guns, take the time to go shooting with him. The reward of the memories are priceless.

Again, Happy Fathers Day,