take the apocalypse survival test!

We all know it doesn't prove anything but it is still fun.

This is what I got

One Step Ahead
You are 82% likely to survive the end of the world.
You're alive, with minimal effects from whatever disaster struck. You're in good health, with moderate supplies, have a plan, and maybe a few other survivors with you to help out with manual labor. Congrats, you're gonna do just fine when all hell breaks loose.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 79% on sp

(sp stands for survival points)

and the link:)


Have fun!!


New member
85%, because of the questions dealing with firearms, fighting, outdoors, and mechanics being my strongholds. I think I got some of the questions to do with fallout right because of chemistry class. Which I'm sure is stuff I'll forget in the next year, but if it happened now I could use it atleast.

I'd like to see a similar test, but only something like baking or decorating. I, along with 99% of TFL, would probably score below 60%, like most of the general population probably did on the survival test.

If it was the SHTF, I'd want to be with the people on TFL!


New member

Running Target
You are 45% likely to survive the end of the world.
You might know a few things, but that's about it. You likely survived the initial catastrophe, but not for very long. Your death was slow, and extremely painful, but only because you weren't stupid enough to die immedeately. Don't get too cocky though, you weren't bright enough to survive.

I picked fighting with chimps....


New member
My Results... whatever they mean.

One Step Ahead

You are 74% likely to survive the end of the world.

You're alive, with minimal effects from whatever disaster struck. You're in good health, with moderate supplies, have a plan, and maybe a few other survivors with you to help out with manual labor. Congrats, you're gonna do just fine when all hell breaks loose.

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 42% on sp

The Pilgrim

New member
69% I guess those camping trips were good for something.

I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend Robert A. Heinlein's book Expanded Universe which includes some articles about survival in an occupied country.


New member
66% likely to survive - mostly because I am an old fart. Thought this:
My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender: You scored higher than 0% on sp
was funny.

Us old farts are not going to be running & gunning, but you better believe old age and treachery will overcome youth and enthusiasm every day of the week.

stay safe.



New member
79, although i rounded up when i was indecisive. physical fitness for example. i definitely do not think i'm an olympian, but i know i'm above average.