tactics from movies


New member
Can someone suggest some dvd's to watch that teach shooting or similar topics that might be available from netflix.



New member
If your purposes are purely for entertainment, "Way of the Gun", "Ronin" and "Heat" offer some great fictional scenes..... but they are just that, works of fiction.

Better question might be to ask folks to recommend a good training DVD or book or ideally a qualified instructor in your neck of the woods.
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Capt. Charlie

Moderator Emeritus
Better question might be to ask folks to recommend a good training DVD or book or ideally a qualified instructor in your neck of the woods.
Agreed, although in spite of the thread title, I think that was his intent.

I don't think you're likely to find any decent training vids at Netflix, Blockbuster, etc. After all, these places focus on Hollywood, where tactics could be titled "How Not to Do Things" ;).

You'd be better off going to your local library. Most have an inter-library loan service, where you can tap the resources of all the libraries in the state. The best part is, it's free. :D

In spite of the thread title (somewhat misleading), I'm leaving this one open, but let's keep the suggestions to serious training vids and keep Hollywood out of it.


New member
Most of the suppliers - MidwayUSA, Midsouth, Brownell's - offer such DVDs. Also, in many shooting related magazines. I have an old one (actually a VCR tape!) that is oriented around shooting the 45ACP and is quite good. Also, goes into maintenance a bit. Ordered from a magazine. Most are reasonably priced. Assume you watch the related shows on Outdoor Channel?


New member
Try smartflix.com They rent out all kinds of firearms related dvd's on tactics/marksmanship as well as gunsmithing.


New member
I agree-get actual training DVDs from reputable instructors.
Movies are carefully scripted, choreographed and directed-real life isn't.

Glenn Dee

New member
My favorite holywood tactics movie is .... Casa Blanca. No big shootouts. just a great movie. For tactics though my personal favorite commercial source would be anything by Clint Smith


New member
Believe it or not, our firearms instructor at the Alaska state law enforcement academy had us watch "Way of the Gun" as an assignment. His point was, it shows a lot of valuable techniques, such as one handed manipulation of a pistol with one hand out of commision. There are a lot of improper techniques also shown though.


New member
In spite of the thread title (somewhat misleading), I'm leaving this one open, but let's keep the suggestions to serious training vids and keep Hollywood out of it.

good training DVD

That is what I meant, thanks for clarifying. I want some titles that I can look for on netflix.


Active member
I used to train like the A-Team in the '80's, but once Matrix came out, I quickly picked up the more modern style of shooting, moving and dodging bullets all at the same time.


New member
Real training videos aren't available on Netflix. You would need to order them from Paladdin Press or something.

Uncle Billy

New member
Tactics from movies...

"Mountain Men" which starred Charlton Heston. Lessons demonstrated:

How to shoot someone with your ramrod in a close fight.

How to roll with the recoil when you fire both barrels of a double-barrel shotgun at the same time.

Why it's not a good idea to be close to the right hand side of a right-handed BP rifle when it's fired.

How to use your long rifle to nearly break the jaw of the next woman you'll be spending intimate time with.

T. O'Heir

New member
The only thing you can learn from shooting DVD's etc. is how to separate yourself from your money.
"...Clint Smith..." The actor or the hockey player?

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I learned all my moves from Fish on Barney Miller

I learned all my moves from Barney in Mayberry on The Andy Griffith Show. :D

once Matrix came out, I quickly picked up the more modern style of shooting, moving and dodging bullets all at the same time.

How's it working out so far and by the way, where are you getting this training? Right here on TFL, I bet. ;)


New member
In the HBO series Band of Brothers, they show some authentic tactics.

In one of the earlier episodes, during D-Day, Cap. Winters and his men are charged with taking a fortified artillery emplacement. At the end of the episode they state how their tactics became textbook strategy for taking a fortified position.