Tactical light owners help!


New member
I have a streamlight TLR-2. Whenever I go shooting, the lens gets very dirty on the light. What do you use to clean your light lens? I tried a couple solutions, but there is still residue on the lens. Help!


New member
Fouled Lens

You must be using some pretty dirty ammo there. Generally I just take a dampened (water) paper towel and it wipes off rather easily. You may want to try Windex if that does't work.


New member
at the WalMart

I found a big box of Zeiss lens-cleaning towelettes for a couple bucks.
Perfect for my glasses and my Scorpion.

black bear 84

New member
To avoid getting powder residue in the lens during practice shooting, cover it with Scotch tape or just a piece of Sara Wrap held by a rubber band.

Black Bear


I would try some rubbing alcohol. Higher the % of alcohol the better. If that doesn't work ... I'd try a little lighter fluid.


New member
i came across this during a search for something else...

pencil eraser works great!

after 300+ rounds of WWB i get a diamond like crust that cant be scrapped off with hard plastic....soaked it overnight...tried everything.

pencil eraser works far and away better than anything else ive found.

im going to start coating mine in vaseline or car wax before shooting from now on(heard they work well).