Tactical, 308 or 300 Win Mag


New member
Want new or used, probably Rem 700, bolt gun. Was thinking 308 but now leaning toward 300 WM as Army is going that way some also, is it not? I have SA M1A loaded that am not going to scope. Info needed, don't have any black stocks ... yet. Want accurate distance, mostly targets, or a long distance hunter. Have FN Mod 70 featherweight 30/06 that is absolutely wonderful for most other things. Yes, the saftey was more than stiff. Thanks, Jim Noeller


New member
Unless YOU are in the Army, how much does it really matter what the Army is equipping troops with?


New member
308 0r 300 Win Mag

I would agree have freinds that love their 25/06s. I like military stuff best, was thinking would follow military thinking on long distance rifle, double for long distance Elk. It is going to have a great scope, still like to carry it some? Jim Noeller


New member
Unless YOU are in the Army, how much does it really matter what the Army is equipping troops with?
Agreed. And if you are in the Army, then you don't really have a whole lot of say in the matter, you use what you are issued.

I like military stuff best, was thinking would follow military thinking on long distance rifle, double for long distance Elk.
But -- the military doesn't hunt elk. Just because the military has rifles specifically intended for long range target and/or sniping doesn't mean that what they use is what you'd want to use for game like elk. If you want to hunt elk, and want to know what the best rifle selections are for elk hunting, try asking elk hunters.

For instance, do you really want to be lugging a heavy target rifle all over the rugged countryside? I sure don't. I want something lightweight. Now, do you really want to be shooting a fire belching thumbinboomer magnum out of a lightweight rifle? Not me. Not any more often that I'd have to, anyway. That's what you are talking about, ya' know. I can see it if all you are going to do is just sight it in at the range and tote it up one side and down the next in the mountains (practicing with something easier on the shoulder and wallet), but I sure wouldn't want to spend the day shooting it at targets at the range. Why punish yourself?
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New member
308 or 300 WM

Never been in the military, they was after me in the early 60's. Long time collector after Colts and Winchester like resale on military the best. 1911,s, carbines, 30/06,s have done me real well. They about made up for what lost in the stock market. I think a 308 or 300 WM will hold up down the road for long time. Jim Noeller

Flatbush Harry

New member
If you're shooting at targets at 1000 yds, a .300 WM makes sense, or if you're seriously going to shoot elk or moose at long range. I, and the good hunters I know, don't take shots at a longer distance than we can be assured of a clean killing hit. That distance for me is about 300-350 yds...and a .30-06 or .308 Win is plenty for that if you do your job well. I do a lot of shooting with .30-06s and .308 Wins...and a .30-06 with the right bullets is still supersonic at 1000 yds (a distance I've never shot). Out to 600 yds (a distance I have shot with iron sights in matches), either a .30-06 or a .308 Win is predictable, accurate and comfortable.

Now, if you want to pretend you're a sniper taking 1/2 to 1 mile shots, I'd go to a .338 Lapua Mag...that you're not going to enjoy because of the pounding it will deliver to you. However, remember that Carlos Hathcock got 93 kills in VietNam...with a .30-06.

There is an old adage: it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog...that's true in shooting as well. I shot an M-14 in the USAF although I was never trained as nor was a sniper, I do know that both sniping and hunting are about fieldcraft and stalking skills more than pure shooting skills.



New member
308 or 300 WM

Thanks Harry, I agree all the way. Love my FN featherweight 30/06. With the larger bullets it is all I want in recoil and still carry it. Thought for more distance shooting, could maybe get a nice 308 for what it would cost for good job of mounts and scope on the M1A. Was convinced right on this site to leave the irons alone on it. The 308 is only thing have ever considered for a long range tact driver. Though I am probably not young enough for the noise and recoil of the 300WM, there are those that are getting some staggering results. Get out the lead sled for it, huh? Jim Noeller

Zak Smith

New member
If you don't reload: .308
If you do reload: .260

If you need to kill things beyond 500 yards (or target shoot beyond 1200) and have the skill to do so (you're probably also not asking this question):
If you don't reload: .300WM
If you do reload: 7mm RM


article | Practical Long-Range Rifle Shooting, Part I - Rifle & Equipment


article | The Case for .260 Remington: A Better Cartridge For Practical Long-Range Shooting
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New member
Now that I'm pushing 60 I'm content at shooting out to 300-350 yards and feeling good about it. Arthritic bones are much happier with my .308s than my magnum. While I don't own and haven't shot the .300WM I do have an old Browning BAR .338 win mag. It is a punishing round. Although the recoil is stout, it is a great big game rifle. I should think the .300WM would be in the same boat, but flatter shooting at longer distances. The .300WM is one of several long distance rounds available to shooters. The .308 though would be easier on the wallet and the shoulder in the long haul. Matches have been won with the .308. That's as much a statement of a shooters ability as it is the capability of the round and rifle. Enjoy whatever you decide to go with, that's what is the most important. ;)


New member
308 or 300 WM

Yeah guys, 308 she is. Zak got a good case for the 260. That is over my head, folks know what a 308 is, I better stick there. Where would you best look to find a good used Rem, with maybe 24" barrel now?? Maybe if got a green stock could still say don't own a black one yet. Then the AR question comes up, might take awhile yet. Thanks!


New member
I guess I am one of the few who actually enjoy the 300WM. Its flat shooting and about a 200yd advantage over the 308 and 06. Recoil in not for the timid but quite managable. Been using it for close to 40 years now and it is by far my favorite rifle.
I would suggest that you find someone at a range that will let you fire one before you decide to make the purchace. The 300 magnums are definately not for everyone. Unless you are comfortable with the recoil, it will effect you shooting techniques and thats not a good thing for hunting. Missplaced shots are something to avoid. Find something that you are comfortable with.