T-rex gun fun thread


New member
I'd use an M1A1 Abrams tank. If I was limited to a rifle or something like that, it would probably be a shoulder mounted 20mm cannon with explosive rounds or a M32 40mm grenade launcher. In the movie Jurrasic Park: The Lost World the PH had a Searcy .600 Nitro Express.
you never saw the original 50 A.E. Automag 5 magazine adds ??? that is / was the original T-Rex Gun...


roy reali

New member
Not What, But How?

All kidding aside, how would you drop a T-Rex with a standard cartridge firearm?

I assume that on that type of creature you would aim for instant, or near instant, death. Brain shots on most animals produce those kind of results. I am not by any means a T-Rex anatomy expert, but from what I understand their brains were not exactly large. Then look at the way they carry their heads. How would you even sight in on such a small target waving around ten or twenty feet in the air encircled by a massive skull?

I guess a heart and/or lung shot might be easier to make. Again, from what I have heard, their central nervous system responded pretty slowly to stimuli. By the time death was registered in its cranium you would be Rex Chow.

So, regardless of what gun you use, how would you deliver a lethal shot to such a creature?


New member
From inside of a cave that he cant fit into.
armor piercing 50 BMG
Most animals run away when they get shot but to many movies makes me think it will come after you
yeay 600th post :cool:


New member
Does it HAVE TO be a gun? Can't it be napalm, or a daisy cutter? Or a landmine or a bazooka? Or a grenade launcher or a howitzer? Or a Civil War era cannon? Or a giant hole in the ground, with giant bamboo spikes, covered with thin branches and leaves. Or a bow with poison arrow dart frog tipped arrows...

Ok, ok, if it had to be a gun, then I'd flip a coin b/t a gattling gun like the ones on the A-10 Warthog or Apache Choppers, and a scoped semi auto 10 gauge 3 1/2 inch slug gun with a 30 round mag, if such a shotgun exists...? Sims recoil pad, compensator, and separate shoulder pad is, of course, standard with that last setup.

Damn, now I really wish such a hunt existed. I'm in a weird mood tonight :D

XD Gunner

New member
The problem with a Rex is that we don't know how it's nervous system works, it may have a small brain, but still be able to function without it. It may be able to still kill you without being able to "think", what if you take out it's brain, and nothing really happens? What if its nervous system is spread out, and doesn't have one single point of failure like ours?

Biggest F'n gun I can find, probably something like those huge Russian antitank rifles, or a 105 Howitzer if possible. Probably try to bust up its hips or legs in general so it couldn't move around to easily, then retreat and let the big bastard bleed out.

If it had to be a "clean kill" Nothing less than a .50BMG weapon with any kind of explosive, or armor piercing rounds. Right for the presumed vital area, or Spine. I want it dead, and 5 minutes ago.

Edit: Woot 101!

roy reali

New member

African Elephant: 20 feet long, 10 feet tall, 8 tons.

T-Rex: 43 feet long, 7 tons, 18 feet tall.

What about a harpoon gun liked those used on whales? If it can kill a fifty ton animal then any other creature should be no problem.


New member
I'd take a double in .600 Nitro Express with a massive solid bullet. The 600 Nitro packs enough energy to knock an Elephant off it's feet and I would hope it would have the same effect to the Rex. When and if he went down he would get the 2nd bbl to the head. Then I would reload and be ready for another shot. If I wanted to get real fancy I'd take a 2 bore double instead. My PH would be on back up with some type of RPG.


Gee, I can't use my Rem 870 with 1-3/8 oz. Buckhammers, huh? I guess I'm gonna' have to say either call in arty or air support!


New member
What gun would you use for a T-rex?
Same one you use for terrorist rampages, Commies landing in California, Soviet paratroops, zombies and velociraptors: 106mm recoilless rifle with flechette rounds.

Question is, what does T. rex taste like? Chicken?


New member
243 is more than enough for T-Rex. Just use the right 100 grain bullet and it will get the job done. Remember shot placement, you don't get the "flinch" when shooting the 243. Just put the bullet behind the shoulder, for the heart/lung shot. The last one I shot went no more the 2 miles, not bad with the 243, pretty good blood trail. The trick is staying on a good road where he won't catch your jeep. Well good luck and Good hunting.