SxS single trigger gun double tapping!

Creek Henry

New member
My new Stevens 612 20ga started double tapping last night when I took it for some trap shooting (it's all the range had to offer). It was working fine all last year but now both barrels go off in rapid succession about half the time.

Also, I can still snap the 2nd barrel so I don't think the 2nd firing pin is actually being disengaged. I didn't test this every time but that seemed to be the case. It doesn't matter which barrel if fired first either.

Anyone have this happen to them? What is the fix besides shipping it back to Savage or spending $$ at a gunsmith?



New member
When shooting standard trap, you're supposed to load only one barrel. Yeah, I know, it doesn't fix your gun, but it solves the problem.

Creek Henry

New member
That's what I wound up doing. I was really there to try out my new limbsaver pad on the Stevens and also the SX3 I just got. The Winchester is great and the Limbsaver works... but the little gun double taps with or without it so that's not not the issue.


New member
Take it to a good gunsmith.
The reason single trigger double barrel guns tend to double is because the recoil moves the trigger away from your trigger finger and when the gun bounces back from your shoulder, the trigger hits your trigger finger again. There is supposed to be an interupter that prevents this doubling, it's usually an inertia weight that blocks the trigger during recoil.
Try shooting it with an extra firm grip on the pistol grip so the recoil doesn't pull your finger away from the trigger.

I had an SKB SxS that would double on me but only when shooting high brass heavy hunting loads.

Creek Henry

New member
Hmm, that sounds right. I was wearing a thick but light jacked (which was really messing with my mount) which made holding the gun firmly more difficult. And, when I did hold the gun extra firmly there was no doubling.

I will take it to a gunsmith I guess. I just know it'll wind up costing me $100 and that seems outrageous for a new gun but I got it for cheap so I guess I cannot complain.

Thx, guys


New member
sounds like either a spring issue or a sear issue - something is worn
Let's not overlook crud and corrosion. I've had something a simple as a minute bit of lint, from a wiping rag, hang up a sear.