Sword Canes and 4"+ knives


New member
I'm not sure if this should be on here or Curios and Relics.

One of my farm hands asked a Question that stumped me. If you have a carry permit in Virgina (he does) can you legally carry one or the either?

I read the VA statute http://leg1.state.va.us/cgi-bin/legp504.exe?000+cod+18.2-308

I spent 22 in the Navy and I still can't read Bureaucratese :D

Any hints would help, any real answer would help more.:)


New member
pro tc

Thank you, I looked at that statute and I'm still confuseed :confused:

I think I'll just try the VA 2 step with the Commonwealths Attorneys tomorrow, gonna be a long day with a lot of:

Please hold while I direct you to the proper agency............

Please hold while I direct you to the proper agency............

Please hold while I direct you to the proper agency............

Please hold while I direct you to the proper agency............


Old Grump

Member in memoriam
I don;t know about Virginia but when I was living in Crooked County Illinois my sword cane was illegal as soon as I left the house. So were most of my knives. I'm guessing if you have to use it you will appreciate having it but I bet that you will be answering a lot of questions after the use and anyplace with a metal detector at the door is going to be an inconvenience.

Just dos centavos from an old dinosaur who uses a cane to keep his face off the floor a good heavy cane and a little training in the best way to use it would be a better option. Been dere dun dat and a cane on the head and then the forearm of a booger boy with a knife was all it took. Old fart one - Punk with a cheap hunting knife and a sorry excuse buddy zero.

Knife was so bad I kicked it into the storm drain, wasn't worth bending over to pick it up.

Lawyer Daggit

New member
I agree entirely. I have an English quarterstaff- if it was good enough for Friar Tuck and Little John, it is good enough for me.

Much better reach than a knife or even a sword and with a bit of training you can lay out anyone.


New member
Totally agree with you Old Grump and Lawyer Daggit, I told him to call the Commonwealths Attorneys office and if he wanted he could borrow my Cold Steel Irish Blackthorn. I was just kinda curious if anyone knew.

Thank all :)