Switching from single stage to progressive

Coach Z

New member
I currently have a single stage hornady press and I'm debating about going to their progressive. When switching the dies as they are both hornady do they need to be adjusted between the two presses or are they manufactured close enough that you can go back and forth using the bushings?

Thanks for the help!


New member
I recently got the Hornady progressive to add to the bench with my Hornady single stage.

You will have to readjust your dies going from single stage to progressive. I had to readjust all my pistol dies. Haven't loaded rifle on it yet as most my rifle loading is still done on my single stage.

Coach Z

New member
I kinda figured I would when seating depth is down to .001" but I was hopeful that the shell plate to shell holder dimensions might be the same. Bugger!
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New member

Coach Z

New member
TLY999 Thanks very much, that's exactly what I'm going to do! Glad to know I'm not the only nut with the idea