SWAT Magazine

Jeff Cox

New member
As soon as I read that SWAT Magazine had been purchased by an avid shooter I decided to go the the store and purchase it. This was a big deal for me since I had sworn off gun mags due to the lack of real information contained within them and the fact that they seemed have joined the "gun of the month" crowd. I was pleasantly surprised (although I shouldn't have been since I'm familiar with the quality of TFL) to find the articles well written and the authors very frank and honest.

I'm going to subscribe so I can do my part to help this wonderful magazine mature.

One question though- What happened to the rest of the article on selecting accessories for the Remington 700 LTR? Was mine the only copy that contained the first two pages leaving the reader hungry for more? :)

Looking forward to the next issue.

Jeff Cox

New member
Thanks Mal

I like to go page by page to take in the information and I haven't worked my way to the back yet. I figured it must be in there somewhere....


New member
Hey, Rich - My resume includes the words "copy editor."

Currently a Graphic Designer for a great big company in a non-CCW state