SWAT Magazine


New member
Was a past Subscriber I just picked up a copy off the shelf for September.
Chock full of Good Stuff.

Might have to resubscribe if the boss lady will let me...:(

Clair Wolfe as always good stuff. :D Reading her stuff I would swear she was cloned from the Founding Fathers.

Also the article about dealing with folks with mental health issues. Good advice! I wish I had had this article a decade ago. Would have saved me much time and grief. Not only good for LEOs but for folks who have a mentally ill member in the family. I had to learn the hard way about what this article talks about. Good info for anybody to know. I think I will clip this article to also use for training the troops as part of the training they now do on mental health/suicide training.

If that is ok with the author and SWAT magazine?

Also the Judge Article was a good piece. I own one but it is regulated to on the spot varmint duty on the trail or out in the woods or fishing. It is not my primary defense weapon. I like my 12 ga with 00 buck at the house.
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