Swartz firing pin block?


New member
As the headline for the article states a variation of the Schwartz system is used in the Kimber Series II guns.

Colt discontinued the Schwartz safety in the gear up for production for WWII.

When Colt reintroduced a safety in the Series 80 guns they went with another system that is activated by the trigger rather than the grip safety.

There are pros and cons to both. Many shooters over the decades have doubted whether either the Schwartz or the Series 80 system is needed.


vox rationis

New member
Well take this with the proverbial grain of salt, but when I was researching 1911's I came across a couple or so posts that described the Swartz mechanism becoming deregulated and blocking the firing pin even when the grip safety was depressed with the result being the gun not firing. This might not be the best feature for a self defense gun, but I'm also somewhat convinced that this type of malfunction is probably very very rare.


New member
Well as a general rule, the more parts you put in a gun the more possibilities there are for something to go wrong.

Kimber has had a number of complaints with their execution of the safety. I'm not sure about S&W whose version is slightly different.


michael t

New member
A member of my board returned his Kimber to factory This needless safety broke at the range. Real nice thing to happen on a carry gun . Pull trgger no bang.
He not a happy camper. Wow for about same money could have bot a Colt or a Dan Wesson and had no worry.