Swarovski vs Zeiss 1"


New member
I was wondering if anyone has been able to look through both a Swarovski 26mm series scope AND a Zeiss Conquest.

Are they even in the same ballpark? I got a Swarovski that was beat to hell but the optics are stellar and was wanting to get another comparable scope. Is the Swarovski that much better than the lower priced Zeiss?

Also, if anyone happens to be in central Indiana could point me to a store that might stock high end optics or if you would allow me to look through their Conquest scope, I'd appreciate it. If that's not asking too much...

Will Fennell

New member
I've got both....

I've got both, and while I've only been shooting the ZIESS Conquest about a year, I'm very impressed. I will venture to say that I am convienced that you will never tell the performance difference between the CONQUEST and full price ZIESS or SWAROVSKI in the field. I'm certainly convienced that the ZIESS CONQUEST is the best buy on the market. IMHO, there is NO REASON to buy a Leupold if there is a comparable ZIESS CONQUEST availible.

If you have an old SWAROVSKI, you might consider sending it in the facotry for servicing and refurbishment. I've got a 6x42 that I've been hunting for 15 years. It is beat up and looks like hell, but after a post deer season trip back to the factory a couple of years ago, it is just like a brand new scope when you look through it. I will say that this particular scope is without a doubt the MOST DURABLE single piece of optical gear I have everhad the pleasure of using. It has been all over the NA continet, and 1 trip to Africa[ I loaned it to a buddy].....it has falled ot of trees and trucks....it has been totally submerged in frozen streams.....frozen and baked......I have NEVER lost ZERO due to the scope. It gets kinda boring actually.....in a good way:rolleyes:

But when I buy a new scope, it will be another ZIESS CONQUEST.

629 shooter

New member
I was able to look through a Zeiss Conquest 4.5X-14X while in North Carolina a few months ago - extreme clarity and sharpness! Would definitely like to own one! cratz - if you find a place in Indy that carries them let me know and I'll stop by there on my next trip down.