SW 637 like em or what???


New member
Hi ya'll,

Stillkinda new to the forum, but I read it as much as possible. Anyway I was wondering why no one ever writes anything about SW 637. I own one, love it, and it was my first hand gun purchase. I feel it is a great CC weapon, and I have shot it enough to feel that the gun as well as myself are accurate together.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this revolver?

Oh ya, mine says 637-2... is that different than a reg 637... if so how?


New member
Are you kidding I love the 642 its the finest snub ever devised and doesnt have an external hammer like that other one.:)


New member
I do

I have the 37, airweight, love it. It is my main carry in the summer. I love my XD, mind you, but that m37 is soooooooo concealable.

We're just quieter than the Glockophiles :D but we're still as fond of our little revolvers.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
S&W model 637

Greeting's All-

Yes, I like the S&W model 637 as well. However, I'm much like many
others here as I own a '92 matte S&W model 37 in pristine unfired
condition, with NO visible drag line. Among the many snubs you will
find in my collection is a S&W "Centennial" model 642, that I carry
in these HOT, HUMID parts of the world. I also own a S&W (old model)
60 dash nothing, in .38 Special that I have just a'bout retired from
duty. Not to mention my 1966 and '71 Colt Detective Specials; or
my '72 Colt Agent that I just acquired.

I feel as though not much is written on these forums 'bout the 637
because of the fact that the same can be said for the original S&W
model 37; except that the 637 is constructed of stainless/alloy. Or
perhaps, the same holds true for the 19 oz S&W model 36. But, all
in all these are great firearms; as there is not a bad one in the bunch.:cool: :D


New member

I have one, shot it for the first time yesterday at the range. I was impressed with how accurate this little revolver is. Straight out the box with some +P ammo I am more accurate with the 637 than I am with my 9MM or 45ACP. This is my main CCW as of now. :)


New member
Now when you shoot where abouts do you aim? For me, if I am about 1/2-1inch above the desired place I wanna hit, I am pretty dead on. Like I said and you said previously.... this lil gun is surprising accurate...

Now back to my 637-2 Question.... Anyone?


New member
I got the 642 its pretty much a hamerless 637. I shoot high and to the right with it so does my mother when she shoots it. But I think its because the trigger was so stiff when I first got it. But other then that I love it and my mother loves it so I gave it to her for a gift.


New member

Since no one has answered your question, I will. The 637 was the 1st production run. S&W did some type of modification to the gun hence 637-1, then another mod 637-2, another one 637-3 and so on.
Each time S&W makes some type of change on a production gun they change the dash after the model# to the next higher number. hpg


New member
'have an older mid-eighties 640 Centennial-style DAO "tested for +P+" , and a 442, Airweight DAO Centennial style, for CC, and a beautiful new 649 Bodyguard shrouded hammer gun, heavy but comfortable. And a 317 with a 3" barrel .22LR 8-shot.
Crimson Trace Laser-Grips on every one of them.... LG205 on the 317........ LG305 on the 649 and the 640........... and the new LG405 on the carry gun 442.

If adjusted properly, the laser sights word wonderfully, no matter how poor the factory iron sights are. Even adjustable sights on that short a base are inadequate, but the laser points where the bullet will go. Also you will be surprised at how much wiggling you are doing, that dancing red spot, but then you can really practise the hold and trigger release to make it steady, and SEE what is happening. Instant feedback, even before you shoot, much less look at the bullet holes. It is amazing how much better you will hit with the lasergrips, even more a difference with a small frame gun. How much calmer you will become to train the red spot hold still.


New member
I've had a 637 for about 2.5 years now, and love it. Great for carry in warmer weather when theres less clothing to aid concealment.I carry mine regularly.I plan plan on geting some of the Crimson Trace laser grips already mentioned for it this Christmas.An all around nice little, light, reliable carry gun.


New member
637-1,2,3 etc

I think that the 637-1 made the revolver capable of +p ammo, the -2 was the internal lock and so forth. Not sure what the -3 was. Don't quote me, but I think thats the deal. Thanks


New member
According to SCSW, dcopper is correct on the Mod 637 "dash" variations. The corresponding dates were: 1989 (637), 1996 (-1), and 2002 (-2). The 3rd Edition SCSW, published in 2006, doesn't list a 637-3, and I don't know if one has been introduced since that time.

I carried a 637 for a while but eventually sold it and bought a 642 with the CT grips, which was (and is) a better design for my intended use of the gun.


New member
My wife carried a M-36, 3" S&W Chief's Special for many years (and I did too, same gun when I could pry her greedy paws off those well fitting grips), but last year, I bought a 637 for my daughter in law, who lives alone while our son serves his 3rd tour in Afghanistan. She liked the light weigh (tho truth be told a hammerless model would probably have made more sense), and shoots the little J-frame very well indeed, even more so in dim light with the help of Crimson Trace laser grips.

Seeing her daughter in law's infatuation with the new little gat, my wife had me me pick up one for our "family use" here on the farm...she's the only one who gets to practice with it however, and it's also her night stand companion, complete with the same Crimson Trace grips as I write.

The 637's hammer may put some off for CCW use, with the perceived chance of tying up the gun during a draw from purse or pocket, but you learn your daily companion pretty quick and the practice we engage in weekly, helps a lot. Too, I made up a pair of Tom Threepersons open top holsters for use when my ladies accessorize with a belt. Pics below..the first one with BBQ grips just to pretty up the picture, but the 2nd actually shows their daily...and nightly...attire.

You've picked a winner in the 637, Nagano, for pocket, holster or purse, powerful enough with the right defensive loads...and to my eye, its exposed hammer completes the gun...a hammerless revolver or even a shrouded one...just doesn't seem right...

Best Regards, Rodfac (and two very well armed women)


BBQ "Boot" grips on it here...


Crimson Trace grips...really a good 'feeling' grip as well, and my own rendition of a timeless holster design.


New member
The 637 was my first CCW gun. I don't carry it as much as I used to, but it's a classic gun and still one of my favorites. It's accurate, easy to conceal, reliable as all get out. What isn't to like about?


New member
According to SCSW, dcopper is correct on the Mod 637 "dash" variations. The corresponding dates were: 1989 (637), 1996 (-1), and 2002 (-2). The 3rd Edition SCSW, published in 2006, doesn't list a 637-3, and I don't know if one has been introduced since that time.

Nope, no 637-3s yet. BTW....I like mine too.


New member
I used my 637-2 in an outdoor Bullseye competition just for grins (one-handed, DAO) and managed 86/100 in timed fire (25 yards). Very accurate little carry gun.


New member
I've had a 637-2 for a while, put a lovely set of Esmeralda wood grips on it and I do carry it from time to time. I had always wanted a J-frame and when I saw it at a gun show, had to grab it ... I've never had any problems with it, it's pretty accurate at SD distances if I do my part and now that it's had 2k or so rounds through it, everything is smooth ... the J-frame is a classic, everybody should have one, whether you're an exposed hammer fan or like 'em covered up ...