Survive an outdoors adventure

Jack O'Conner

New member

These books are out of print but available through amazon.



Staff In Memoriam
Jack, I expect you meant this to be in the hunt section so I posted a request in the form of a tattle tail report to have it moved...
Hope that was your intent unless them are silenced short barrel machine gun oriented survival guides:D


New member
Jack, let's not forget your classic, The Complete Book of Rifles and Shotguns.
I bought it mail order in 1962, I have learned a lot from you.

Jack O'Conner

New member
Machine guns? Where in my post did the subject of automatic weapons ever come up?

Someone has Jack O'Conner confused with Jack O'Connor.



Staff In Memoriam
Jack, it was a joke as you had, likely, accidentally posted this thread in the NFA/silencer section:D
Thus I asked for it to be moved to the "The Hunt"...
Them goons in the nfa section don't need a snare or trap... they got guns with the giggle switch and silencers on the muzzle to gather their survival meats!


New member
Jack -

I am curious about "Modern Hunting with Indian Secrets." It sounds a tad dated but I'm curious if it's really worth picking up.


Staff In Memoriam
Kreyz, I am not familiar with the book but I bet a dollar to a doughnut the info is timeless. Indian skill is priceless in a wilderness survival situation.;)


New member
Kreyz, I am not familiar with the book but I bet a dollar to a doughnut the info is timeless. Indian skill is priceless in a wilderness survival situation.

Well Brent, you convinced me to take my first step into learning some Indian skills. Well, that and the book was $1.99.... :D

I'll let you know how it is.