Survival situation- Good rifle choice?

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New member
In a survival situation, I have two rifles I would probably use. I live in a very flat terrain area, with alternating forest and farmland. I have two rifles in mind for survival/small arms engagement: An M39 and a x39 type semi rifle. The M39 would be for longer range engagements and animal hunting (54r is lethal to any game i need) The x39 (AK or SKS) would be for closer range engagements where the extra ROF and lighter weight/maneuverability would be more useful.

I have chosen these rifles based on personal experience and field strip/clean ease.

The M39, I have an acquaintance who let me fire his, and its very accurate, 1MOA at 100 yards. The Mosin also has less parts to field strip/ headspace problems are more easily dealt with than a mauser pattern, and it can run dry without complaint.

The x39 rifles, the SKS and AK, I have had good experience with acceptable accuracy at short ranges, plus the ergonomics are plenty good for the price they go for. They also run dry pretty well, but they do like grease, like any rifle.

Ammunition cost, not weight also plays into my decision. I can pick up a ton of ammunition in either caliber at a fraction of .308 (5.56, however seems like a bargain on any end).

Any suggestions/comments you can give me?


New member
Not sure what type of "survival" situation you are anticipating, but EOTWAWKI threads don't usually last too long. Just like in everyday life, avoiding a bad situation is always better than shooting your way out of it. If I am thrust into a survival situation, I'm staying put. All my guns, food, ammo, & a reliable water source are right here. I have enough food to provide for me & mine for quite some time. I have no interest in going out & running around in the (insert monty python voice) shrubbery (/voice) when everything I need is right here.

Your situation is obviously different.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Everybody has his own scenario and set of expectations or probabilities for a "survival" situation. Since there's no "One size fits all" discussion possible, such threads are mostly irrelevant to this website.

If you want to talk about survival hunting, go to the Hunt forum. For "how to do it" for defense, that's a strategy & tactics deal--and to repeat, limited to your own particular scenario.
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