(surprise surprise) Biased News Article


New member
From http://www.herald.com/content/tue/news/brknews/docs/069951.htm
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>

Florida among top 10 states in gun shows, dealers

PITTSBURGH -- (AP) -- This may be one list that the Keystone State does not want to be part of.

A study by the Violence Policy Center of Washington D.C. ranks Pennsylvania among the top 10 in the number of gun shows, gun dealers, registered machine guns and firearms manufacturers.

The ``Gunland USA'' study says Pennsylvania ranks second in the country in number of gun shows, third in gun resellers, fourth in machine gun retailers, seventh in registered machine guns and ninth in the number of firearm manufacturers.

The rankings were based on data from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Texas ranked No. 1 in all five categories. Pennsylvania, California, Florida and Ohio were the only other states to be in the top 10 in the five categories.

According to the study, as of January 2000, Pennsylvania had 3,581 licensed gun dealers and 16 pawnbrokers. There were 90 machine gun dealers, just over 13,000 machine guns and eight licensed gun makers in the state.

Pennsylvania also hosted 250 gun shows in 1998, the study said.

``The study gives a clear picture of each state's role in the proliferation of firearms in America,'' said Martin Langley, policy for the Center.

The findings came as litte surprise to an area gun store manager and the president of a gun show association.

With about a million hunters in Pennsylvania, it ``goes hand in hand'' that there are more gun dealers, said Ken Marshall, the manager of Antique Rifle Works in Greensburg.

Richard Vensel, the president of the Pennsylvania Gun Dealers Association, said patrons of gun shows are ``people out to protect our gun show rights.''

``We are not selling anything illegal, so how can it be illegal (to have gun shows)?'' he asked.

Vensel said he expects about 8,000 people to attend a gun show at a shopping mall this weekend in Greensburg, about 35 miles west of Pittsburgh.

The Center examines the role of guns in America, trends and patterns in gun violence, and the development of policies aimed at reducing gun-related deaths and injuries.[/quote]

Does anyone remember those days gone by when the news was printed on the news page and the opinions stayed on the editorial page?



"Never believe in mirrors or newspapers." -- Tom Stoppard


New member
What in the hell does this have anything to do with prventing gun violence????? :mad:

Have you ever heard of road saftey groups screaming about how this state or another has the highest number of automotive dealers, which we all know is the direct cause of traffic fatalitites :rolleyes:

Herr Gobels would be sheading tears of pride for his misbegotten children

"TANSTAAFL"- R.A. Heinlen

"Molon Labe"- Leonidas to Xerxes at Thermopile


New member
Once again we have a self-righteous "journalist" writing copy without asking not one time what is the meaning of what was just written. Rest assured the data presented in this article will be used as a source in the next article which will seek to link gun ownership and violence.

Facts are irrelevant, feelings are reality, and truth crushed beneath the hobnail boots of fascists. Hitler himself said people would prefer to believe the big lie before a little lie. The only provision that has to be made is there has to be a nugget of truth to be surrounded with lies. Kinda like a sugar coated poison pill.

Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.

Barry Goldwater--1964

Jeff Thomas

New member
Actually, I'm told that this is simply how the business works. Bozos like the VPC release a 'study', and the reporter simply reports on the study.

While the coverage won't be fair, perhaps our side should be releasing more 'studies'.

Regards from AZ


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dinosaur:
Why do you think I moved here? I
emailed them thanking them for the article. I also told them that I forwarded the article to people I know who are looking to relocate to a place where the Constitution is still respected. :D