
Ed Dixon

New member
You turn a corner with your girl after a movie, thug points gun in your face IMMEDIATELY and demands everything you have. He gets a grand you planned to give to your mother tomorrow for home repairs, your girl's 3K engagement ring and the wristwatch that was left to you by your grandfather. He then runs for an alley 50 yds. away with no witnesses. Do you let him go? Or shoot him in the back to save what he had no right to? A plausible explanation does seem possible.
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New member
Thats a tough one, I probably wouldn't hesitate to shoot for the legs. Then I'd stomp em into a mudhole an walk it dry :D

Legally not the best choice, but it gives me a chance to get my stuff back, and I don't have to face murder charges for shooting someone in the back.

WAIT A MINUTE, I figgerd this one out! Yell, "Hey I got me another 50 bucks I forgot to give ya" Then drop him like a 10 point buck as he turns around ;)


New member
How about a citizen's arrest

I am not too bright on this part of or rights, but, if you yell that he is under citizen's arrest, and he runs, is the resisting arrest??

Col. Mustard

New member
check your state laws on citizens' arrest rights

In NC there is no right to make a citizen's arrest. If the person has a weapon, and is facing you, you've got a case. You do not want to shoot a robber in the back, if laws in your state are anything like those here.


New member
Well, because TFL'ers aren't ****heads (right?) I'm assuming all that stuff is insured.. I kick the photographic memory into overdrive and let him go.


New member
with no witnesses.
GF is a witness. Divorce rate is what, 60% these days? Would really suck to be involved in a divorce AND a criminal investigation a few years down the road.

Best case:- GF treats you like protector/white knight.

Worst case:- GF becomes wife, you get into silly argument over something trivial, now-wife says "What are you going to do about it, shoot me in the back like you did that guy in the alley?" Nah, too risky,,


New member

You will find that most insurance companies will only reimburse $300 max out of pocket. If the ring was not put on as a seperate rider you may be out of luck(something showing where you bought the ring might help though). As for the watch, how much do you think they are going to give you for a 70 yr.(or whatever) watch that probably doesn't keep good time anyway.:rolleyes: And if they give you anything they will just raise your rates next time they bill you. Best be more aware of where you going next time or the next BG might just shoot you because he needs the practice.:eek:

David Scott

New member
Gotta know your local laws. Here in Florida, you may not shoot a fleeing felon. Personally, I would have raised my left hand, palm out, and said, "Please don't hurt us, here's my wallet" and then gone for the Ruger in the IWB, while using teh left hand to knock his gun hand aside. They don't expect you to fight back, and the surprise will slow their reactions just enough that you can get a shot from the hip in.


If you're going to resist like that before handing over the money, I think you want to knock the gun to the side and turn (by stepping back) to the opposite side. Has anyone tried that in a controlled and safe environment and consistently beat the gunman?


New member
Hey, if the gun is THAT close to your face, what's the matter with using the weak hand to sweep it aside while you simultaneously do a "speed rock" draw and double tap him in the guts? It's a judgement call, only you know how fast your reactions are, but it could be done....and isn't the classic way to break an ambush to CHARGE RIGHT AT IT?


New member
If this were to actually happen to me, what he'd get would be twelve dollars in cash and my beat-up eleven year old Gruen Sport. The odds of me carrying $1000 cash are about the same as me carrying a bag of uncut diamonds.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
My opinion? If you've trained enough and hard enough to have a chance of pulling that off, you already know. If you have to ask, you can't have put in enough time to have a shot at doing it under real stress. I know I haven't.


New member
Why would you be carrying a $1000 to the movies at night if you were not going to give it to your mom until the next day?

The other items should have been insured, so let the douche bag run, he'll get his sooner or later. Just not sooner by you.
I always carry a wallet and a money clip. I suppose he could have whatever cash I had (perhaps buy a value meal at McDonald's), but I wouldn't want him to obtain my wallet since it would be more troublesome to replace such things as credit cards, local fish and game card, and other items. I carry my wallet and car keys in my right pocket and my money clip in my left.

Whenever possible, I would most gladly give him all the jacketed hollow point lead I've got depending on how things panned out. It's difficult to say what one would do in a situation. I would most definitely not want to shoot unless it became my only option.

Of course, when reaching for my wallet, I'm not too far away from reaching for my pistol. Do you know what you have to go through to get a membership to the local fish and game?

Kentucky Rifle

New member
David and Berettaman are right...

If you can, sweep his gun-arm away with your raised weak side arm after he has averted his eyes to the dropped wallet/watch/ring--draw and shoot for COM. (Several times.) Do this only if you have practiced a lot. If you've been to "the land of bad things" and got shot at a lot, well...that helps too. If he's 20 feet away, you are screwed. Pitch him your stuff and hope he doesn't shoot you. If he starts to aim--draw and take your chances. See why practice is necessary?

I could see using your weak arm to grab his arm and twist it down while drawing your own.

Of course, my left arm is worth little more than just writing with. Since breaking my humerus, ulna, and radius (among a couple other bones), I can't even swing a hammer with it nor shoot anything larger than a .22 with my weak hand.

I would like to think that the girl I am with is properly armed and would have equal opportunity to decide the fate of our attacker.

:D What a woman she would be! :D

If you happen to meet a woman like this please call 1-937-.......
