
Anyone have SureSights on their gun? I stumbled across their website yesterday and I think that's the neatest idea I've seen in a while. I totally want some, but they don't make them for my PT-111. I especially like that the point of impact is supposed to be what's resting just at the point of the triangle, not at some point you can't see because it's covered by your sights/barrel.


New member
Many folks who have never shot with them will be quick to criticize, saying they would take too long to line up, but I think I'll at least keep an open mind until I see them for myself. I do think the front sight looks like it has the potential to snag leather and/or cover garment on the way out, but I could very well be wrong. I would also like to know if the triangular front sight will fit in traditional sight channels on most holsters.

The jury is still out for me. At least 'till I try them out.

They are interesting though.

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New member
Interesting concept and my Steyr M9-A1 has thier funky triangle version as well. I honestly think training is the true factor, but that big triangle front site makes a big difference when conducting timing drills. I usually don't even use the rear sight to align the triangle, I just shoot over the top of the front blade (when conducting drills from 5-15 feet).



New member
If it were me, I'd let them be on the market for a few years first. Let them get the bugs worked out, and there ARE some, and let's see if they can compete with the other sight makers. I've watched their evolution for a couple of years and wouldn't be comfortable investing in them right now.
I had the same thought about sight channels and snagging, but if it's not so big as to be a problem, then at least for me, they look like they'd be a winner. I dislike my Hiene straight eight sights, preferring three dots, but these might be even better. If I had a compatible gun (Glock), I'd risk dropping the cash to get some while I'm still relatively new to shooting. That way I'd learn on them and perhaps be better than if I ingrain habits with the straight eights.

The Great Mahoo

New member
I've been considering them for several months now, but haven't taken the plunge. I first came across them a while back when the Box O Truth did a review of them, and have been considering a set for my Glock. Nobody seems to have any personal experience with them, so I haven't committed to it just yet.

I did worry about the sight snagging a holster, but my current one completely contains the gun. As long as the front sight isn't below your holster (such as on a slide-holster) I don't think it would be a problem.

I have been thinking about it more and more lately, and will likely order a set in the next few months. That is, unless I find something else in the meantime.