Sure was rooting for Bill Richardson...


New member
...until tonight's debate.

Being a border governor, I thought that his position on immigration would be a lot more reasoned and practical.

Looked like he was trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
"Well, we cannot break up the family..."

Pandering for votes from soon-to-be-legal-voters...

Sorry to see that. Still looking for a real alternative to the status quo.


New member
What else would you expect. BTW if he was elected with a Democratic majority to go along with it he'll be just as anti-gun as Clinton. That's the playbook Richardson plays from.


New member
Richardson is just another of the Stepford-like Democrat clones. He's almost as irritating to hear speak as Hillary, IMO! The only 2 Dems I like are Joe Biden (who is sensible about Iraq) and Mike Gravel, who is the Dem version of Ron Paul, a maverick no one wants to hear speak sense. God only knows the choice we are going to get for the next election--it doesn't look good. Both the major parties seem to be gearing up to offer very unappealing candidates, as usual.


New member
BTW if he was elected with a Democratic majority to go along with it he'll be just as anti-gun as Clinton.

I wish I had the same ability to read peoples mind from watching them on TV. Considering Richardson from the get-go has ALWAYS been pro second amendment.


New member
Obama comes across as the most presidential of anyone in either party. Although Fred Thompson might be able to pull it off if he didn't have the most pissed-off look on his face I've ever seen. He looks like LBJ with horrible gas.


New member
"Well, we cannot break up the family..."

The immigration reform bill as written, will give instant legal status (amnesty) to 12-20 million people. These 12-20 million will then be able to bring in family members that could run into tens of millions more people coming in.

This really upsets me.


New member
I didn't know a process that is going to take 10-12 years to complete is considered "instant". There is nothing instant about it; but it's still amnesty... sort of.


New member
Don't confuse green cards and a path to citizenship with my instant legalization statement. Most of the current illegals WILL get near instant legalization. This to me is amnesty. Many of them probably won't even seek the path to citizenship, which would take 13+ years as I understand it.


New member
Richardson also said he was a "good Catholic."

Yeah, right.

He should hang out with Bill O'Reilly and Ted Kennedy...they don't know much about being Catholic, either. That put me off him right away since moral issues are important to me.

As for his soft stance on immigration, that's just another negative.

At least he signed some pro-gun legislation there in NM...but as I get older, one-issue voting doesn't make sense to me anymore.

Wouldn't vote for Richardson if they paid me to.

-- John D.
I don't see the comparison to Clinton on gun issues... Richardson is campaigning in the Democratic primary on a "no assault weapon bans" platform. That is not only a real tough stance to sell to the Democratic faithful, that is a stance tougher than the one GWB took in the GENERAL election in both 2000 and 2004.

Clinton on the other hand, wrote the NRA a nice letter about how he supports them, did no more than he had to as Governor of Arkansas, kept his mouth shut on the campaign trail and then immediately tried to hose gun owners as President.

Whatever you might think about Richardson's politics, he is better on guns that many of the current Republican candidates and certainly better than most of the Democrat candidates.
Well folks. I'd say Ron Paul is better on gun issues, and border issues than just about everybody.

Although everyone says he doesn't have a shot. (Granted, he is winning alot of polls) Vote for him in the primaries. He is the only true pro-gun, pro-sovereignty candidate.

Don't be surprised about Bill Richardson. He is running for the Democrats, and on a national level, there is no descent allowed on guns or immigration issues.
Bill Richardson disappointed me when he started his campaign. By playing the "Hispanic" card from the get-go (launching his campaign in Los Angeles with "Hispanic" "activists" present,) stressing the immigration issue, he basically told me that he was running for Vice-President. He pigeon-holed himself on day one. Although Obama's views on many issues are far worse, he didn't make that mistake because, well, he's playing to win.

(DISCLAIMER: The poster is a Hispanic who really resents it when "activist" buffoons claim to speak for him. So there.)


New member
I've noticed that when ANY news/commentary TV show on any channel (liberal moderate or conservative channel it doesn't matter) has a guest/"expert" on and the topic is immigration/the Border situation, and the guest has a Hispanic name, I can accurately predict which side of the issue he/she will be on. I have never seen ONE of them speak against open Borders, being harder on illegals, criticizing the immigration protestors waving Mexican flags/disrespecting the American flag, or coming out against any other anti-Norte Americano (anglo) rhetoric. Sounds just like all those "good Muslims" (BS) who say nothing about the fanatics. To hell with them all.

Geraldo Rivera is one major example (although I believe he changed his name to Rivera from something else).

-- John D.
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New member
The funny but not so surprising part is that Richardson had taken
"positions" contrary to his current ones not more than a year ago.
It seems once you're in the running for the Democratic primary
you automatically become an amnesty supporter. Sad.