Supressed .22 pistol?


New member
(Note: This is all above board - All laws will be obeyed).

I'm considering a 22 pistol for practice. Since I don't have a "practical" use for a 22 pistol, I was wondering if I would get one that could at least be interesting in another way.

Can a (legally registered) suppressor be added to a ruger semiautomatic pistol? Are there any other (good plinking) 22 autos that can be threaded?

You will have to check your state's laws regarding class III weapons. These toys do not come cheap. A real good gun cost about $750 to over $1000, depending on the manufacture of gun and supressor. And don't forget to add your $200 tranfer and registration fee.



New member
This stuff seems to be all integral.

Is there any way to have one that can be screwed on to a 22 pistol?

(Or have I been watching too many da** movies).



New member
I knew about the $200 fee and the hassle (I'm in Texas so THAT is not a problem), I didn't know that the hardware itself would cost that much.

Sorry to bother everyone, I'm off to crawl back under my rock :)



New member
There are a few manufactures of suppressors, that have to be adapted onto the pistol. I can't remember names at the moment, but they advertise in American rifleman. Since you are going to have to find one sooner or later, you might look up your local class 3 dealer and ask him/her, where they get their suppressors from.


New member
I actually met a manufacturer who runs a range where I took a course; but I didn't have enough time this time to discuss the matter with him.

I wanted to independently research the idea a little before talking to him anyway - seems those guys are a little squirrely (with good reason) - seems ANYONE comes in and asks about certain OTHER class III-related services and all the manufacturers all go and phone up the BATF immediately so as to avoid any entrapment/trouble.

I've thought it through more - and my life's worth too much to bring down that sort of bad mojo.

I'll stick to plain jane over-the-counter and politically correct.

Try SM Guns in Eugene, Oregon ("Orygun" to to you Texicans).

The owner of the shop is into reducing the bunny population in the state's Eastern Desert with a suppressed Ruger MKII with a lazer sight and a suppressed MP5.

Sorry that I don't have a number available. Information will have to get you the phone number. The Area Code is 541.

They are nice folks, and probably could give you some feedback on MKII suppressors.



Staff Alumnus
Try AWC Systems Technology. I've got one of their Optima Suppressors for my AR. I "NEED" one of their Amphibians and 10/22 Ultras. :D

If your looking for an attachable suppressor you may want to look at their Backdraft.

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

Bottom Gun

New member
I used to see a guy at some of the gun shows selling suppressors made by Scionics. Don't know if they are still in business or not.


New member
GemTech makes a screw on suppressor called the Outback. I have not seen or heard one but GemTechs reputation for quality and service is very good.



New member
What about a Makarov pistol with an add on threaded barrel and FAKE suppressor? Cool looking and inexpensive.

Mal H

There is probably no such thing as a fake suppressor to the ATF. It was a fake hand grenade that got Kenyon Ballew shot in 1971. (Want to get mad? Look up his story on the web.)


New member
I remember seeing "extended target barrels"-meaning hollow supressors in Delta Press a couple of years ago. I think that would look cool. Come to think of it, I havent gotten Delta Press in a few months...


New member
Forget that silly screw on idea, any can that will fit on the end will sit higher than the sites or cause the gun to not function. The full length set up over the barrel is the way to go as in the Hi-Standard HD or the British Welrod. But it will cost some bucks as it is not a simple screw on POS that only works in the movies. About 600 or so bucks plus tax on a Ruger but will be almost as good as what Gary Powers had when he got picked up by the Russians. :) The Hi Standard is the only issue service gun used by the servise or CIA (OSS) in combat with a suppressor and .22 :)cal.