Supreme Court access blog


New member
Next wednesday, the US Supreme Court will take up a major gun case that will....or will not....prevent gov't from making certain laws controlling your guns. You CAN hear the oral argument as it happens.

The argument starts at 10 ET, On that morning, go to this webpage and you will the top....a link to listen to the arguments real-time. Lawyers from each side will take a turn to present their case....then the justices start asking questions. You have to concentrate.....sometimes the questions are technical, sometimes they are biting, sometimes they are funny, but you'll hear the nuances and probably hear Sotomayor's head explode.

If you go to this webpage now, the top left article gives you the preview of what this case is all about. Everyone on this site has a dog in this fight. This is source material stuff, folks, and if you listen to it, you don't have to rely on ANYONE ELSE telling you what happened. YOU get to decide.