Suppress your gag reflex....


New member
...and join me in refuting the Brady bunch's rhetoric. It'll be fun :)

Let's pick this apart just for practice. I'll start :)
However, federal courts have rejected these legal challenges.
More like "avoided"

Sporting rifles and assault weapons are two distinct classes of firearms. While semi-automatic hunting rifles are designed to be fired from the shoulder and depend upon the accuracy of a precisely aimed projectile, semi-automatic assault weapons are designed to maximize lethal effects through a rapid rate of fire. Assault weapons are designed to be spray-fired from the hip, and because of their design, a shooter can maintain control of the weapon even while firing many rounds in rapid succession.
Naturally. That's why they have sights.

So there is a good reason why these features on high-powered weapons should frighten the public.
Right. Nuthin' scarier than a drive-by bayoneting.....

The flash suppressor allows the shooter to remain concealed when shooting at night, an advantage in combat but unnecessary for hunting or sporting purposes.
A flash supressor is designed to hide the flash from the shooter. Hiding it from anybody else is impossible.

There's alot more but I don't want to hog all the fun.


New member
A new disease is running rampant among the "Brady Bunchers"---

A new disease has afflicted the Brady Bunchers. It's "Cranial Rectal Inversion".

I wonder how many of them have actually seen some of the weapons they have come to fear. With the mentality they show, they would outlaw a Ruger 10/22 with an add on "flash Suppressor" and heat shield. Nice cosmetic add-ons but it is still a .22 cal rifle. Great for shooting cans and pests (sorry, Brady Bunchers are not considered pests eligible for control by shooting).

This will continue until they realize they can't see the light (unless it is on the end of a colonoscope).


New member
Oh my, I just couldn't bring myself to read the whole thing! These people really don't know the first thing about firearms of any kind do they? Geez, . . . I just don't know what else to say.


I like how part of the URL includes the word "facts" - ha!

At least they told the truth on this:

Q: What does the NRA think about the federal assault weapon ban?

A: In 1996, the NRA pushed the U.S. House of Representatives to vote to repeal the ban, but the Senate refused to follow suit. In 2002, the NRA has listed opposition to renewal of the law as one of its criteria on its 2002 election candidate questionnaire. The NRA continues to try to gut the current law and prevent its reauthorization

Woo hoo - thank for reminding me - I'll send them an extra $20!


when i saw your title i thought maybe someone had found i naked pic of hillary clinton!!!:eek: :barf: almost too afraid to check it out!! then i see it's just more of the same from the brady bunch....................:rolleyes:

Wyo Cowboy

New member
A few years back, I recieved a letter from Senator Ted Kennedy asking for My financial support for the Brady Campaign. The letter also asked that I contact my representatives and encourage them to support re-authorization of the "Assault Weapoons Ban".

I returned the letter with the following reply;

"Thank you, Senator Kennedy, for you concern regarding the impending sunset of the "Assaul Weapons Ban". In honor of this sincere concern for the American public and the US Constitution (which you have sworn to uphold and protect, repeatedly), I am donating $100, in you name, to the NRA's ILA. Again, thank you for bringing your views to my attention. Sincerely..." :p

I have rarely enjoyed writing a check as much! :D


New member
My favorite piece of anti-firearm how-can-we-scare-em-today rhetoric is the term "bullet hoses".:barf:


I love when they say that...

guns are responsible for too many deaths and senseless violence. I guess mine are well behaved. I keep them in my closet and to this day none of them have snuck out of my house and killed anyone! Good guns!:D


when i saw your title i thought maybe someone had found i naked pic of hillary clinton!!! almost too afraid to check it out!!
You'll never see naked photos of Frau Hillarystein - she's hung bigger than Bill and they gotta keep that a secret.:D

C Philip

New member
While semi-automatic hunting rifles are designed to be fired from the shoulder and depend upon the accuracy of a precisely aimed projectile, semi-automatic assault weapons are designed to maximize lethal effects through a rapid rate of fire. Assault weapons are designed to be spray-fired from the hip

I don't know about you, but I tend to be of the opinion that precisely aimed shots are more deadly than spray and pray. When will they understand that the real definition of an assault rifle is one that is select fire?


New member
When will they understand that the real definition of an assault rifle is one that is select fire?
They do understand it; and they understand it perfectly. The goal is to keep the non-firearms owning public from understanding it.

Understand? :p


New member
My Mosin is also well behaved, and has not snuck out of the apartment. I came home this morning and found it knitting me a sweater. :D

Aside: I love how the FAQ refers to gun makers as "unscrupulous." That's great. I also love the phrase, in reference to shotguns "detachable magazine capacity." What the HELL is that?

From the FAQ:
A pistol grip on a rifle or shotgun, which facilitates firing from the hip, allowing the shooter to spray-fire the weapon. A pistol grip also helps the shooter stabilize the firearm during rapid fire and makes it easier to shoot assault rifles one-handed.
