Support from Maryland Delegate Kevin Kelly, plus Maryland Sheriffs


New member
This seems pretty significant, but I'll leave that to our Maryland members to assess; it appears that a sizable coalition of allies may be available in Maryland politics and law enforcement, based on Kevin Kelly's email:

“Elected” Sheriffs and “Rank and File” Police Officers OPPOSE Gun Control and specifically, SB 281/ HB 294.

The following Video “link” SPEAKS VOLUMES. The video is of Maryland Sheriffs, representing the 24 “Elected” Sheriffs of the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association (MSA), testifying in OPPOSITION to Gun Control Legislation and specifically in OPPOSITION to SB 281 / HB 294. The video shows the “Elected” Sheriffs testifying at March 1, 2013 “Gun Control Hearings” conducted before the Maryland House of Delegates’ Judiciary Committee and the Maryland House of Delegates’ Health and Government Operations Committee.

The Maryland State Lodge, Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) representing over 23,000 active and retired Maryland State, County, Bi-County, Municipal and Federal, rank and file, Law Enforcement Officers has also taken a position of vehement OPPOSITION to Gun Control Legislation and specifically in OPPOSITION to SB 281 / HB 294. This position of FOP OPPOSITION also SPEAKS VOLUMES.

Delegate Kevin Kelly’s following POSITION OF OPPOSITION to Gun Control Legislation and Delegate Kelly’s POSITION OF SUPPORT for the Second Amendment.

Dear Supporter of the Second Amendment:

Initially I take this opportunity to thank you for your recent email whereby you expressed adamant opposition to additional Gun Control initiatives which will be introduced in the 2013 Legislative Session of the Maryland General Assembly. Since I have been literally inundated by communications such as yours, I hereby respond to same, and simultaneously set forth my sentiments on Gun Control.

By manner of introduction I am a six term Delegate to the Maryland General Assembly representing Allegany County. I am an attorney by profession and during my entire twenty three years as a member of the General Assembly I have been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. It should be noted the Judiciary Committee is the Committee to which all House of Delegates “Gun” initiatives are assigned. On a personal note, I am lawful owner of firearms and on numerous occasions I have been honored by various Pro – Gun Organizations for my staunch, unwavering support of the Second Amendment. Further, I possess an “A+” NRA rating.

I totally share your assessment that the current Legislative Session will unfortunately serve as a giant soapbox for Anti-Second Amendment zealots to spew their Gun-Hating venom and to pursue their Gun-Prohibition agendas.

Facts, statistics and common sense will be totally ignored as certain individuals jockey before the media to get their “on air” and/or “in print” opportunity to demonize the NRA and the Second Amendment Rights which the NRA protects and promotes. Simultaneously, many of these “Bashers” of the Second Amendment will utilize their media opportunities to demean those who support the Second Amendment; inferring such individuals “are of a lesser sophistication.”

The Gun-Haters will proclaim to the media “They support the Second Amendment” and they only intend to make “reasonable and responsible changes to the gun laws.” However, these same individuals will never legitimately pursue investigation of the true causes of violence in our society, specifically, broken homes, children born out of wedlock, absence of family structure, pervasiveness of drugs, street gangs, issues of a failed Mental Health System and the promotion/ glorification of violence in movies, on television and in video games, all of which serve to desensitize youth to the actual carnage caused by violence.

Further penalizing lawful gun owners and denying Second Amendment rights to these law abiding individuals will not reduce violent crime. On the contrary, the opposite is true. If law abiding citizens are denied their Second Amendment right to own firearms, then in that event, the only people to have guns will be the criminals. As such, you may be assured I will continue to oppose, and I will continue to vote against, any and all Anti - Second Amendment, Gun Control initiatives. Finally, I submit for your review the following email, statistical information and news article which you may find of interest.

Once again, your expression of Second Amendment support is deeply appreciated and if I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely yours,

Kevin Kelly, Delegate

Allegany County

From: Kevin Kelly []
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2012 11:19 PM
Cc:;;;;;;;;;; Friedman, Dan (OAG); Busch, Michael Delegate (Laptop); Vallario, Joseph Delegate (Laptop)
Subject: Concerns pertaining to Freedom of Information "Gun Data" Requests.
Importance: High

Colonel Marcus L. Brown

Superintendent – Maryland State Police

1201 Reisterstown Road

Pikesville, MD 21208-3899

Re: Concerns pertaining to Freedom of Information “Gun Data” Requests

Dear Colonel Brown:

I briefly take this opportunity to relate specific concerns with Freedom of Information “Gun Data” requests which I anticipate will be made of MSP. First, I have provided an ABC News link regarding a highly publicized newspaper article, together with accompanying interactive map, published by a New York newspaper, The Journal News. This referenced news article / map provided the names and residence addresses of every individual who LAWFULLY owns a Handgun(s) in Westchester and Rockland Counties, New York. This Gun Data was obtained through Freedom of Information requests. To view the article /map please click on below link. Then in the article which appears please click on ”their names and addresses listed on a map.” Then scroll down map and click on purple dots.

I find the publication of such information extremely disturbing and frankly, quite frightening. If a criminal wants to break into a dwelling to steal “Legal Handguns” this published, interactive map will provide the culprit the exact residence address to Burglarize. Additionally, it is most distressing that Lawful Handgun Owners are being treated like Registered Sex Offenders. Aren’t these Lawful Handgun Owners entitled to a Right of Privacy? What specifically is to gained by the publication of this information? Finally, would MSP be required to provide such information if a similar Freedom of Information request was made of MSP?

Second, In the 1993 Legislative Session, during a time of heated gun control debate, the Baltimore Business Journal prominently published in its April 2-8, 1993 (Anti-Second Amendment) edition, under the Banner Headline of “Officials Carrying Handguns” the names of State legislators who possessed permits to carry handguns and the caliber of the Handguns they so carried. I recall this vividly since I was so listed. Interestingly, I have never possessed a concealed carry permit. As I further recall, most of the Legislators so identified did not possess concealed carry permits. The article should have been titled “Legislators Who legally Own Handguns.” After the incorrectly identified Legislators expressed outrage to Colonel Larry W. Tolliver, then Superintendent of the Maryland State Police, and to representatives of the Baltimore Business Journal the publication printed a “Correction” in the form of a “Letter To The Editor” from Colonel Tolliver. This correction was published on page 47 of the April 16-22, 1993 edition of the Baltimore Business Journal.

Hopefully, if contacted by the media or by others, The Maryland State Police will be mindful of the above presented issues and concerns when responding to Freedom Of Information “Gun Data” Requests.

With kindest regards, I remain

Very truly yours,

Kevin Kelly, Delegate

Allegany County

District Office:

201 Washington Street

Cumberland, MD 21502


Dan F

New member
I was there, and I saw the testimony live (well, kinda live... the number of opposing citizens was so great the House had to set aside a number of rooms for closed-circuit viewing as the testimony took place in the House chamber). The Sheriff's testimony was well received by everyone in our room, and others as well by the sounds from down the hall. Other pro-2A expert panels made a number of equally well received remarks. One Delegate (I cannot recall his name... it might have been Kelly) asked a great question: "Why is there no mention of 'crime' in this bill?" He later followed up with a comment to the effect that the bill certainly seemed dedicated to the CREATION of criminals, from among the ranks of the currently law-abiding.

Over at Maryland Shall Issue I found out that citizens testifying against the bill outnumbered supporters by ~1300 to 30, and that testimony continued until after 3AM.

While, like you, David, I find this level of opposition to this silliness to be encouraging, I unfortunately have a recent example of MD politics that shows what we're up against: I also attended the MD Senate Judicial Proceedings in February, where the Assembly was supposedly "stunned" by the unanticipated turnout, and had to scramble to improvise their responses to the crowd which, for the first time ever (one long-time Senator said he hadn't seen anything like it, "even during the 60's") exceeded the building's seating capacity for a committee hearing. Over 700 people who'd signed up to give testimony were turned away after the proceedings ended at 9PM.

Despite this "unprecedented" opposition, the bill STILL made it out of committee almost unaltered, and, if I'm not mistaken, went on to be passed by the entire Senate. Up hill battle, all for the political aspirations of our dear Governor, and his urinating contest with Cuomo for the pole position in the 2016 Dem Presidential Primary. Grr.


New member
I am glad to know of the Sheriffs who oppose it, and am also glad that the FOP came out against new gun control as well publicly.