Superposed - To tube or not

Chuck Dye

New member
The Browning Superposed is not rated for steel shot. Briley claims to be able to install flush mount interchangeable choke tubes that will cure that, increase the versatility of the shotgun, and not diminish the value of the gun.

Any thoughts?

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Briley does good work, but for what this will cost, you could pick up an 835 or 870 that's steel friendly. I'd go that route, and save that beautiful old Super as it is.

Also, my hunch is that as the alternative non toxic shot optiosn grow, plain steel shot will fade faster than campaign promises after the election.

The stuff is just not very good.



New member
Dave is right on the money. If you want to hunt with it buy a couple boxes of bismuth or tungsten-polymer, if you hunt a lot buy a gun for that purpose.


New member
I was going to say go ahead and do it. Make a great gun a little bit better. Then I looked at the prices on Briley's site:

O/U, S/S, Threading Both Barrels
Includes 5 flush screw-in chokes

12 ga. 16 ga. 20 ga. 28 ga. .410 bore
Lead Shot / Bismuth $369.00 $449.00 $389.00 $449.00 $449.00
Steel Shot / Tungsten $469.00 $549.00 $489.00 ----- -----

I didn't realize they'd gone that high. Still, if money's no object and you really like the gun, why not do it?



New member
Have you checked directly with Briley on whether their choke tubes can turn a lead only gun into one that is steel capable? They do have choke tubes that are steel rated or not but I'm not sure how this changes the capability of the entire gun.
