Super Sniper Super Deal?


New member
I am considering purchasing the SS10X42M Super Sniper Scope from SWFA. I have read a lot of review that have mostly good things to say about the glass and the zero being maintained and the general overall good quality and I find myself wondering is this too good to be true? Does anyone here have any experience on this scope? Any thoughts plus or minus that I might want to consider. A little background... I am looking for a scope that will help me with 200 - 300 yerd target shots with my Mosin Nagant 91/30. I currently have a scope on it but it a cheap one (under $100) and my shots are all over the place at 100 yards. (never a tight group). This may or may not be partly or entirely the scopes fault as I know I am not the best rifle man but I would like to get what would be the best scope for the money for this type of shooting. Any comments and thoughts are appreciated and thanks!


New member
Are you sure its the scope and not the rifle that's causing the problem? Just thought i would mention that so u don't buy a new scope and find yourself with that same problem in the end.


New member
I have the same scope mounted on an M1A and love it... the turrets are a bit stiff but the scope is dead on out to at least 650 yds...for me at least.


New member
Mosins are not renowned for being tack drivers, so it's very possible your rifle just isn't a great shooter. To get a better understanding of whether it's the scope or your rifle, I'd recommend taking the scope off and bringing your shots in a bit - say, 50 yards. Use the iron sights and see if you can keep a 1" group at 50 yards. If you can do that, then you can assume that your rifle is reasonably accurate and the problem may lie with the scope. Otherwise, it's likely your rifle just isn't capable of the accuracy you're expecting from it.


New member
I have one on my 7mm Rem mag, and it holds its zero repeatedly dialing between 100 and 1000 yards. The windage clicks are mushy and hard to feel/hear, but that is my only complaint. Once I even dropped (accidentally) the rifle and it landed on the elevation turret with the whole weight of the rifle on a concrete floor. Didn't affect the setting at all, I was pretty impressed.


New member
Rgitslaff... that IS impressive... Thanks to you all for the answers. I am going to check my rifle w/o the scope at 50 and 100 and see how she does. I better check that first even though with all I am hearing hear and elsewhere that SS scope sounds like one of those good deals that come around every once in a while and I may get one yet. Thanks again to all of you!