Summer reading list


New member
I guess it's gun related in a roundabout way...

I've worked my way through all the Rouge Warrior, Jack Higgins, Andy McNab, and other such books so far. Any recomendations for some good action/adventure books?


New member
Some of the best gun books ever written are by Stephen Hunter.

These are rip-snorten' adventures, without the usual gun mistakes like safeties on revolvers, etc.

Here's a list of the Hunter books:

The Master Sniper--
At the end of WWII, a murderous fanatic German sniper is sent on a secret mission to insure the Reich rises again.
He's armed with a MP-44 assault rifle and the "Vampir" sight.

The Second Saladin--
An Arab infiltrates the US/Mexican border to attack America. So-so.

A Tapestry of Spy's--
A Spanish Civil war spy story. So-so.

The Day Before Midnight--
A rogue Russian commando group with nothing at all to loose.
An impregnable secret missile site.
A key to Hell.
An impervious multi-ton block of armor titanium.
A kidnapped master metal cutting expert who's family is held hostage.
And two Vietnam era tunnel experts; one an American tunnel-rat doing hard time in prison, the other a Viet Cong woman.

Point of Impact--
Retired Marine sniper Bob Lee Swagger is framed for attempting to assassinate the President.
The plotter's mistake.....failing make SURE Swagger is DEAD.
A far-reaching plot, one of the legendary Winchester "Black Kings", a failed FBI SWAT member, a South American military Death Squad, a group of conspirators with all the answers, a sharp-as-a-tack Arkansas lawyer, a mystery sniper with quite a history, and a Bob Lee who's "unhappy" with how he's been treated.
Be sure to catch the NRA Safety Deposit Box "hook" at the end.

Black Light--
Bob Lee goes home to Arkansas to find out just how it was his hero State Trooper father came to die in a corn field shoot-out with two punks in the 50's.
There were only three guns at the site, a .357, a 44 Special, and a rare .38 Super.
So how come Earl died with a 110 grain .30 bullet in his heart?
Somebody doesn't want him to find out, and uses the Southern Mob to stop him......BIG mistake.

Time To Hunt--
The Russian sniper responsible for wounding Bob Lee and killing his Vietnam spotter comes after Swagger years later.
Something doesn't add up.
Swagger does his math, and starts to subtract.... people.
Two statements to remember...."Daddy's Home" and "Front Toward Enemy".

Dirty White boys--
Three escaped Oklahoma convicts go on a murderous, bloody crime spree, and the State Trooper who they left for dead.
He isn't a Swagger, but that doesn't matter to the escaped killers, he'll do....for them.

Hot Springs--
1940's Hot Springs Arkansas, the gambling capital of America.
Earl Swagger, retired Marine Medal of Honor winner decides to clean up the town.
The town doesn't want to be cleaned up.
Swagger and Jelly take out the trash.

Pale Horse Coming--
Earl Swagger is asked to look into odd events at a notorious Southern Prison farm.
People don't like him sticking his nose into their business and do something horrible about it.
As is common with the Swagger family, they sorely regret not making SURE he's DEAD.
Earl goes back to "settle up", taking along the most famous and deadly American gunmen in history.
A gun writer who likes the .270.
A Montana cowboy who likes POWERFUL revolvers.
A short, fat old man in a big hat who's shot over a million rounds..FAST.
Two US Border Partrolmen....One a vicious killer looking to add to his score, the other an extremely tall man who people just seem to obey.
And, a young, baby-faced Medal of Honor winning Army vet-turned actor, who just happens to have brought home something called a "MP-44".

Earl Swagger is hired to provide protection to a sleazy Arkansas Congressman on a "fact finding" tour of 1950's Cuba's sex scene.
The Cuban Secret police, the American Mob, the CIA, the Russians, and the Cuban Communists are all involved with a young, rather stupid activist and baseball player named Fidel.
To all their regret, they get Earl involved in their convoluted plots.
Earl doesn't do convoluted, and gets back to basics real fast.


New member
If you like crime type books, I can recomend a good one.

Donnie Brasco by Joseph Pistone

Good read, true story.


New member
Devil's Guard I and II (but not III)

by George Robert Elford, long out of print, but worth a read if you can find copies.

Story of German SS WWII veterans who signed up for the French Foreign Legion and fought in Indochina in the 40s and 50s. Supposedly a true story.

oh yeah, how could I forget, Marine Sniper and Silent Warrior about Carlos Hathcock. Those are a must read.


New member
I'll second Stephen Hunter. Read 'Point of Impact' 'Black Light' and 'Time to Hunt'. All have the same protagonist. Great stuff.

If you're looking for something a shade heavier: Ayn Rand, 'The Fountainhead' is the best book ever written. May not agree with her philosophy, but it's an amazing read none-the-less.


New member
I just started "Under And Alone", by William Queen. So far, it is very good. True story of an ATF agent who infiltrated the "Mongols" motorcycle gang starting in 1998, supposedly the most vicious and violent of the Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMG). The Mongols even kicked the much larger Hell's Angels butts in California after 17 years of biker warfare.

Queen supposedly was in Special Forces during the Vietnam War, was police officer for a while, apparently a border guard, and finally ATF SWAT team member. And, Queen went undercover a lot.

Paid $26 for hardcopy at Borders and Books. Amazon has it a $16.47.

The Mongols deal in guns, drugs and prostitution.


New member
My to read list this summer-

Black Hawk Down, Mark Bowden
We Were Soldiers Once... And Young, Harold Moore
Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad
1984, George Orwell


New member
CC, thanks. I saw a brief interview with Queen on one of the morning, network, new/talk shows. I think his book is now on the New York Times Best Seller list.

He says he will be spending the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.


New member
CC, thanks. I saw a brief interview with Queen on one of the morning, network, new/talk shows. I think his book is now on the New York Times Best Seller list.

He says he will be spending the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.


New member
Action & history

With the Old Breed on Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene B. Sledge
Goodbye Darkness by William Manchester
The Savage Wars of Peace by Max Boot
Marine! The life of Chesty Puller by Burke Davis
The March Up by Bing West and Ray Smith
Strong Men Armed by Robert Leckie


New member
Finished Under and Alone last week. Queen sounds like a pretty tough/savvy character. Not too many could pull that off. Good man.


New member
Okay, another REALLY good read is:

A Tale Of the Western Plains by G.A Henty... GREAT book. Anyone will like it.