Suggestions for gun cabinet


New member
Hi Folks,

Does anyone have a suggestion for a nice gun cabinet? or a source for one other than building it myself? I'm looking for something that has room for 10-15 long guns in the main cabinet. I'd like double glass locking doors. I would also like to have the base comprised of multiple locking drawers for handguns, ammo, etc...



New member

Before you rush into getting something you may regret, I have some things for you to think about. Things you might have already overlooked.

1. First off decide on the purpose of your cabinet, and where you will be placing it in your house. (I didn't do this, and regret it now)

2. Do you really want glass on your gun cabinet? Glass can simply be broken and your guns taken. (my wifes advise)

3. If your purpose is to have them on display, then why build/buy a cabinet, instead try a simple gun/display rack. Although I must say in my opinion should you go this route you should consider inerting them first. (in case of theft)

4. If your purpose is to protect them from theft then secure them in a heavy metal, fire retardant safe. (the only way to go)

Where I am coming from: I got my safe for the purpose of keeping my guns out of the hands of others (my kids included), but still want to have them available when I may need them. I feel that as a responsible gun owner it is my responsibility to protect my gun collection, and keep them out of the hands of others.

I hope this helps you make the decision that is right for you!


New member
Thanks for the response.

I go back and forth between a safe and a cabinet. I had mentioned glass because I would like my guns on display. (at least the long guns).

I had a safe picked out, but no good place to put it except in the basement. Unless it could be hauled upstairs to my den, possible, but could ruin stairs, walls, etc..

A cabinet would be a nice piece of furniture that could serve a purpose. It can be locked although it's nowhere near as secure as a safe.

I found this on the Morton Booth website. It's a gun cabinet without the glass front. It can be locked but is a lot less inviting. I am not too worried about someone breaking into my house and stealing my guns, although, I would like them all in one place and locked up enough to keep friendly people out.

Does anyone have experience with Morton Booth?
Thanks again,


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