Sub Sonic CCI


New member
I bought some CCI CB SHORTS today from Wally World. They Rock. Much better then Calibre! Sub sonic and 710 fps!!!!!!

My seven year old is shooting them from the front porch in the Henry mini bolt and knocking the socks off the ping targets we set up!

Much better then the Calibre! Made in the USA!!!!!!!! Not much from Wally World comes from the USA!


New member
Fun! Made in America! Can be had! Accurate! Got cojones! Kid can shoot them without ear protection! Makes the ping targets PING! No Thump! Makes the rats in the front yard Splat! Good up to about 40-50 yards! Not Cheap, But Reasonable $6. and some per hundred! Hard plastic Dispenser! Clean shooting! No powder Residue! Low leading! Zero failures out of 200! No Duds, and No Thuds! First time Every time!

Yes they are Better


New member
Sorry , Thats just me!:D Next time I will try to do the blog thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member

Next one to try is the Aguilla SSS - 60gr at about 800fps.

Really thumps the cans an rats....

