Stupid things that people do


New member
I'm not sure this is the exact place to address this issue, but I'm curious, does anyone out there have freinds and relatives that own or borrow guns that are complete idiots when it comes to safety?

I think back to my Bro-in- law during Deer Season. He had borrowed a bolt action rifle to hunt deer with and ended up just shooting a round to check where it hit. I talked to him later that day and he wanted to show me the rifle. When I took it from him, I performed a safety check, pulled the bolt back and ping! out comes an empty shell casing. I asked him if he knew that was in there and he stated.." Oh yeah, I just forgot to take it out". I'm thinking..this guy scares he hell out of me. What if that had been a live round, which it probably would have been if he had not of shot the round off in the woods. Needless to say I don't let him use any of my weapons.

Any horror stories?

Good SHooting

Chad Young

New member
People like that are usually allowed to be in line ahead of me when hunting...

Anyway, an acuaintance and my brother went out to shoot their SKS rifles a bit. This "Acquaintance" has left the rifle loaded for the trip home (stupid mistake #1). So, he decides to empty the 30-round magazine (mistake #2) by cycling the action (mistake #3). Well, the SKS was dirty and about half-way through the mag - BAM! Slam fire City, folks. One 7.62 mm hole in the walls of his parents' house and a nice hole in a big oak tree in the back yard (not pointed in safe direction, mistake #4).

David Scott

New member
I once saw my brother in law insert a magazine into a PPK and use the heel of his hand to slam it home with such force that he knocked the pistol out of his own hand. I have also seen a guy load a revolver and snap the cylinder closed with a flip of his wrist, so hard he dropped it. Duh? Tossing guns around does not exactly inspire confidence.

But the "dumber than a bag of hammers award" goes to a guy in El Paso when I lived there. Bozo was spinning a loaded Ruger Blackhawk on his finger, showing off his Wild West moves. The hammer caught on his sleeve, his finger was against the trigger, and the accidentally discharged round went 10 feet behind him and into the foot of one of his admiring crowd. Showing off at the range is way stupid.


New member
Sounds like my ex-boss and his wife. They bought matching Gold Cups back in the mid-eighties, and like to spin the loaded guns on their fingers. I never went to the range with them.



New member
This gentleman was handed a cocked and locked 1911. He tried squeezing the trigger with no success. He now knows the safety is on but doesn’t know which lever operates it. He hits the mag release and drops the loaded mag to the ground. At least he had the gun pointed down range but it seems you would ask instead of pushing buttons. That part surprised me, but what scared me was the way he waved the gun around, finger on the trigger, while picking up the mag.


New member
My brother in law (hunting partner) was hunting with me when we first met. We were hunting roughle three hundred yards apart and could see each other from our locations. I asked him after the hunt if he saw what happened with a doe that was near me and he said he was watching ME the whole time through his SCOPE! I bought him a pair of binoculars for his birthday and told him to never do that crap again.


New member
That is exactly why I prefer not to shoot at a range.
One look at the bullet holes in places they don,t belong and size of the cannon the guy next to is shooting.

Bill Adair

New member
First dumb trick was a teenage school friend of mine, who pointed his 22 rifle at me and hollered BANG! When I jump on his case about gun safety, he apologized and showed me the gun was unloaded, by pointing it at the ceiling and blowing a hole through our roof! :rolleyes:

Seconded dumb trick was a student of mine, who carried a loaded rifle in his pickup. Pulled into a drive-in restaurant one afternoon with his girl friend in the passenger seat, and got out for some reason. Their not sure exactly what happened, but think the gun had been standing up in the corner of the cab, and slumped forward against the seat and door when he stopped. When he opened the door, the gun fell out of the truck and discharged, killing him instantly! :(



New member
I have a good stupid story.
I took my wife to the range about a year ago so she could practice with her revolver. She was never crazy about going to the range; she preferred to go shot out in the middle of nowhere. We are at the pistol range and I am trying to instruct her on how to safely handle her gun and she is starting to have fun and enjoy herself. A cease-fire is called and we walk to a table 20 yards behind us. I am smoking a cigarette looking off in the distance and then I hear someone trying to work the action of their gun. I am thinking to myself “who is doing that, no one is supposed to handling their gun right now.” I turn around real quick to see what is going on and BLAM. I feel muzzle blast all down the left side of my chest and arm. I see this older guy with one hand on the slide and his finger on the trigger of his 357 Sig. I look at the hand on the slide and I see this little red stream appear. “Oh Sh**” is what is running through my mind right at this moment, this guy had just shoot himself in his hand. Blood was streaming out of his hand now. He had shot himself in the fleshy part of his hand about an inch below his pinky finger. I started to check myself to make sure I was not hit also. The bullet from his gun had passed between my left arm and the left side of my chest, the shirt I was wearing had powder burn on it. We got his hand wrapped up and called for an ambulance to carry him away. By now my wife is pretty upset, she was not real thrilled to be there that day and she almost saw me get shot. I got her to go back to the range with me a couple of weeks ago, which was the first time since last year.

So if someone is reading this and you happened to have shot yourself in the left hand at the Winchester Public Range in Dallas last year or your father did (his son was with him). I hope you learned your lesson.


New member
I think that we have all seen stupid things at the range. I've always wondered about how people puts some of the holes in the ceiling, walls, etc. It may comfort you to know that many booths have bullet resistant walls. At least you have some cover before packing up to get somewhere safer.

But back to the subject, I will not go shooting with any person that is not safety checked first. I was trained with a safety first perspective. Before I go shooting with somebody the first time, I go through all the safety rules, clearly, in a very firm manner. If they have shot before, they should know it. At least now I know they know it. Then I let them shoot first, while I am at a safer angle. It is better to get in their face about safety before somebody gets hurt, and I want to make sure they act safe.

I'm not saying I know everything, but hurt feelings are better than a flesh wound.


New member
I got this from an e-mail.
Two guys were going froggin late at night. On the way back they blow a fuse in the old pickup they were driving, boom, no lights. So they pull over and cuss a bit and wonder how they are going to get home with no lights. Then one of them notice that the fuse is about the size of a 22lr shell. So they try it. And it works! Lights! So they continue on the journey home. Well, yes, it happened. The shell went off, striking the driver in the right testicle. He, understandably under some duress, swerves off the road and hits a tree. They get taken to the hospital with the gunshot wound, broken leg, broken collarbone, dislocated shoulder, and various other injuries. But the funny thing was when the police went to tell the driver's wife what happened, she stood there with a straight face through the whole story, and then asked if someone had picked up the frogs.