Stupid reloading tricks...


New member
I'm sure I'm not the first person to figure-out a foam earplug fits perfectly into a .45 acp case with just a primer, and will fire across the living room very admirably. Oh yeah, some of you will yell at me, but dammit, it's fun!
Steve W.


New member
I take primed 9mm brass and use it to cut out bits of candle wax (like a cookie cutter in cookie dough). I can then punch cute little holes in cardboard boxes from across the basement or wherever. Still packs a bit of punch so don't shoot it without some kind of backstop.


New member
Many years ago, I used the wax-bullet trick on a stray cat that had invaded my daughter’s bedroom.

When hit in the butt, the cat vacated the house at warp speed, but not before leaving an amazing trail of you-know-what.
It took me an hour to clean up, but I was laughing the whole time.

Good thing my wife wasn’t home at the time!!


New member
Wax bullets are fun,,, So are cork balls,,,,,

It's like catzor said,,,
Melt some paraffin in a pie plate,,,
Pull the bullet and powder from a .22 cartridge,,,
Use the empty like a cookie cutter to make wax wadcutters.

I learned how to do this from an article in Popular Mechanics in the early 60's,,,
My Poppa and brothers had a blast in the garage during the winter months.

I used a depth of just a smidgeon over 1/4" of wax,,,
Shot from a revolver they have fairly impressive velocity,,,
Do not shoot yourself in the foot to see how powerful they are. ;)

Also, I found some cork balls at Hobby Lobby,,,
They were a perfect fit for the cylinder of my .44 Remington cap & ball revolver,,,
Just the percussion cap was enough to accurately engage a large pack of feral Pepsi cans at 10 yards.



New member
Great ideas. Now if I saturate the foam plugs in Hoppes or some cleaning solution, theoretically I could clean my revolvers while shooting them? :)


New member
Wax makes a mess of your bore and cylinder.

I don't know about ear plugs soaked in Hoppes'.

There are some rubber bullets on the market that don't make the mess of your bore that wax makes.

And, to avoid cylinder lock-up from primers, it is best to enlarge the flash holes in centerfire cases.

These things CAN "put your eye out" so be careful. They can also shoot through a glass window in some situations. And, even wax ricochets. So make sure that you capture these projectiles properly.



New member
Soap rounds and rats

As a 1st Cav MedEvac pilot in Vietnam I carried a 38 revolver as my assigned weapon. When we were on standby at a fire support base my crew lived in a "hootch" made out of a corrugated pipe, ammo boxes and sandbags. Rats were very bad. We got in the habit of pulling the bullet out of 38 rounds, dumping the powder and pressing the neck of the case into new/dry soap bars. This would kill a rat at close range, but wouldn't rickoshay (sp?). Worked really well until a FNG thought that we were shooting live rounds inside the hootch and fired a round of hardball at a rat.:eek: It seemed like a half hour before that round quit bouncing around. Nobody was hurt, well not until later when the new guy learned all about blanket parties.:D
I have cut hot glue sticks into pieces and they fit in a 45 case quite nicely. Drilled the flash hole out a bit and they are fun to shoot. Agreed on not shooting them indoors because of lead styphnate in the primers.


New member
When I was younger, my dad gave me a Lee .430" 200 or 240 gr SWC mold to "play with", before I threw it away. After "casting" about 150 wax bullets with it, he let me load some on top of 2 grains of Bullseye, in .44 Special. They were screaming-hot loads for a wax bullet, and tons of fun. I've never found a better load for splattering fresh cow pies, and scaring off the cats city-folk used to dump on my grandpa's land. ;)

Miata Mike

New member
I'm sure I'm not the first person to figure-out a foam earplug fits perfectly into a .45 acp case with just a primer, and will fire across the living room very admirably

What brand and type of earplug? What was the OAL? Type of crimp if any? :rolleyes: Just joking.....

I figure the hard EAR brand would work like a nice wadcutter.


New member
I still have some Speer plastic, reusable .45 bullets, and a small pack of drilled out flash hole .45ACP cases.
The .38 ones with the plastic cases worked much better as I recall. Working the slide for every shot with the .45s was... uninspiring.

However, since the price of primers has gone up, I just stick to a suppressor on my .22s for shooting where excessive noise and recoil are not wanted.

Ideal Tool

Hello, this was told to me by witness who was teenager at time. His friend had just gotten a brand new Model 12 for Christmas. That fall, his dad had painted garage white..Kid thought a tie-died look would improve that stark wall. cut end off shotshell, & in place of shot, cut up various colored crayons & stuffed as many as he could in there. Taking aim at wall...The end of brl. opened up like a Banana at the shot...those crayons must have turned into a solid wax plug when it hit the choke! My friend said that kid had trouble sitting for a week!


New member
You can use a 22 cal airgun pellet in a 223 case with just a primer. Have to single load them but they were accurate enough for practice.


New member
I make up "load packs" for my range/plinking rounds.

Basically I use a pair of trays to count out 100 prepped pieces of brass. They then go into a ziplock baggie along with a box of primers and 100 bullets and a small desiccant packet (I have thousands of the stupid things). When the day comes that I want to load up more range ammo I already have everything but powder in one handy packet and I know when I'm done I'll have 100 rounds ready to go.