Stupid Quote of the Week


New member
Found in an article in the Christian Science Monitor at

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"There was no real serious discussion in the 18th century about an individual right to bear arms free of the regulation of the state," because firearms of the 18th century "were not very useful weapons," says Jack Rakove, a historian at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif.

"The framers couldn't imagine the debate we're having right now," he says. "If you wanted to kill someone, you were better off grabbing an ax or a knife than a gun."[/quote]

Anyone want to tell that to all the dead native Americans?

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.
-- Edmund Burke

Jim V

New member
I wonder if he would mind letting someone armed with a Brown Bess, Kentucky rifle, Jaeger rifle or any of the other arms of the time shoot at him in a test of his theory? While the reload time was slower than today, a good man with a Bess could keep up a pretty good rate of fire, if he had enough paper cartridges ready to go.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 23, 2000).]


New member
*%$#**&!! :mad: A blackpowder rifle is damn good weapon! The framers IMHO did not even consider things like technology because the PRINCIPLES they were trying to lay down would not be affected by technology. The right of the people to be secure in their freedom was a very important idea. The right of the people to keep and bear arms to defend their liberty is something that is the same today as it was then. This idea that the framers would not have written the second amendment if they had any idea of what technology was going to be like in two hundred years is DONKEY DUST!!
I think if they could see what this country is like they would have made the 2nd even stronger! Now that I have finished blowing a gasket, I will shut up and behave. :eek:

A Life Well Lived Is The Best Revenge!


New member
Don't the morons realize that the newest and highest technology has ALWAYS been used in making the newest firearms?
Don't they know that the first revolver induced more ooohs and aaahs than HK's new SL8-1?

Those eeeediots!! :rolleyes:

"Rise like lions after slumber in invanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - They are few."
-Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822)