Stupid questions part duex

Joe Portale

New member
(part one is on the reloading board)

I have a really nice small ring Turk Mauser action sitting in my workshop. I have been thinking anout what to do with this fellow for awhile. Right now, I am leaning towards a bench rest rifle. Maybe in 6mm PPC or 6mm Remington.

Now for the dumb stuff: How important is the reciever to the final out come when building a competative bench gun? All the action parts are smooth and straight, no rattles and is concentric where it needs to be. This action would make one heck of a varmit rifle. But I have made a couple of rifles on large ring actions already and it's time for a new challenge.

The rifles that I built, one in 243 and 308 will print from a good solid rest under 1/2 inch at 100 yards. Yes, I'm bragging a bit.

Thanks for any comments.

kurt IA.

New member
Most benrest actions are very stiff. Some still use the Rems, but most will use a coustom. Guess you could sleve it for stiffness, my bigest concern would be if it would handle the pressure of a 6PPC 50,000 plus. Would it be competative? who knows, I would guess not. That said, the choce is yours.