stupid question: Why two types of cleaning rod threading


New member
Ok, this is a completely useless question, but I"m curious.
Why are my two cleaning rods threaded differently? Were there two major makers of cleaning rods in the past? Kind of a Ford/Chevy thing, and the two standards grew up in parallel?

And yes, it's a pet peeve, but not a big enough one for me to figure out the threading and just buy all one type.


New member
SAE and metric?
It's to keep the adapter folks in business.
Did you know there are more than one varieties of metric thread systems?
And aircraft threads are different, too.


New member
Different thread sizes are used by some companies to match the additional forces created by increased friction in larger bore sizes.

Other than that, it's about like Ford vs Chevy vs Volkswagen. Every manufacturer: A) Thinks their design is better. And/or, B) Wants the customer using only their proprietary tools.
To go along with the OP, why do some cleaning rods require an adapter (collar with female on both ends, and different threads to boot!) to use a brush? :confused:


New member
To go along with the OP, why do some cleaning rods require an adapter (collar with female on both ends, and different threads to boot!) to use a brush?
Because both female and male attachments are available.

And, in some cases (like with Dewey) the company makes both kinds of rods and both kinds of attachments.


New member
I learned my lesson recently. I ordered a set of brushes and they have female ends. They will not fit any of my rods. :( The company is Dewey and they are BANNED from my home and range. If you show up with that $%&# you will be asked to leave or face prosecution. :D


New member
The company is Dewey and they are BANNED from my home and range

Interesting how we all like and use different stuff.

I never use anything BUT Dewey rods at home or at the range.
A simple look at their quality is enough to convince most that Dewey
is a premier product.
Although I do take a Belding & Mull take-down rod on hunting trips.



New member
Different thread sizes are used by some companies to match the additional forces created by increased friction in larger bore sizes.
you will need to explain that one to me...despite my training in machining, I have no idea what you meant. The forces (no matter the bore size) are axilly with the bore...not enough force to be a problem with any commonly used thread size pitch. Your answer did not address why company X uses a different thread size/pitch than company Y for a bronze brush on a .38 caliber pistol rod.
I think the real answer to the question by the original poster is that like the days before standardization, Remington and Winchester marketed propitiatory shot shell primer sizes. It is just that the different cleaning rod companies have not yet settled on what should be a standard size.


New member
dahermit answered the op. Using the same brand stuff does help with the standardization process. Personally I prefer Dewey :)


There IS a standard - GI military.

And, no one accepts it, we all buy whatever we like. For the most part the average shooter discovers they aren't all the same too late.


New member
You forgot the 3rd. size that a lot of suppliers use for .17 cal. AND, I have a Winchester set with a 4th thread size for the handle.


New member
There IS a standard - GI military.

And, no one accepts it, we all buy whatever we like. For the most part the average shooter discovers they aren't all the same too late.
I bought a few very inexpensive military surplus slotted patch jags at a gun show some years ago...never found any brand of cleaning rod that they would fit.


New member
doofus47, Just like why hot dogs come 8 to a package and buns come 7 to a package or maybe it's the other way or, why do we park on drive ways and drive on park ways.


New member
I hear you pogybait: I just accept and deal with it.
But it doesn't mean I can't ask; maybe there was a good reason.

I accept the differences. I didn't know that there are more than 2 types of threading. I've been fortunate that one rod mates with my GI brushes and the other one seems to work with everything else I buy.

thanks for the input, guys!