Stupid Gun TV

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
So yesterday, I'm in mindless mode watching the tube and on various shows see these gems. On CourtTV and other reality crap.

1. The Tyler courthouse shooting - that's the one where a civilian tried to intervene as the BG had body armor and an AK and killed him. The whole segment was about the brave police (and they were) and how they got shot trying to stop the guy. They showed how an officer rode the top of a car in a strange position to final kill the guy.

However, when they mentioned the civilian - there was no mentioned that he tried to intervene as a CHL or that his action probably saved some lives.

2. Some skinny wussy on convenience store robberies. Sensible advice about cameras being obvious. However, he was adamant (MR. Wuss) that one should not fight back - not that you shouldn't use your head but don't fight back at all. The store clear should NOT have a weapon as that might escalate the situaition.

Thus, when a clerk tried to bop the armed guy with various merchandise, he might have a point. However, when a clerk pulled a gun and shot down the robber, MR. Wuss whined about how that was wrong. Bah.

3. A nut with a screwdriver or something. After the cliched chase, nutboy is surrounded. He is tased repeatedly and keeps pulling the wires out. Finally, he makes a threatening move and an officer shoots him.

The commentator: Wisely, the officer chose not to shoot to critically wound him. :)eek: ). However, a fellow officer was hit by a richochet. What actually happened is Officer 1 flinched and shot low. The round bounced off the ground and zapped into Officer 2 who stupidly in the line of fire. No muzzle discipline or common sense.

Oh, well.

Evil Monkey

New member
I've seen the guy with screwdriver video. The officers were using really bad tactics. They kept getting too close to the suspect and then the officers started straffing around him, thus, surrounding him. Surrounding the suspect at that close of a range was pretty bad. As the results showed, an officer shot at the suspect and ended up hitting a fellow officer behind the suspect.

Rule #4 was violated.


New member
I saw it myself

I have good friends that serve the public and I am sure they have a lot more brains than those twits that they showed on TV. I don’t really see the need to shoot the guy with a screwdriver that was the first stupid action. Officers in Indiana carry a metal rod that’s made from a spring and has a quarter sized steel ball on the end. I can guarantee that if one of the officers had hit the man on the arm the screwdriver would have been on the ground.
Second stupid was the way they surrounded him. This was almost as stupid as the “officer” that was giving a gun safety course in school that shot himself.
In the heat of the moment mistakes will be made, that’s for sure. But you have to train for action, because the way you train is the way you will react. And for sure the officers in the shooting had NO training.
That or just way too many John Wayne movies.
You could tell that the officer that was shot was a female, That’s not to put down women officers. Where was the guys brains that fired his gun. Kind of hard to miss another officer less that 10 feet away from you. I wonder how bad she was hit.

Evil Monkey

New member
I don't like how they say that store clerks shouldn't resist because I heard a story about a robbery in a bank or store (I don't remember), anyway, the employees complied with the suspects but then the suspects tied the three employees up and executed them. Three people dead, now what?

I saw a video on TV of a convenvience store camera showing a guy coming in with a shotgun. The suspect orders the clerk to go to a pool table room in the back. You hear one shot and the victim is screaming, then a second shot and it's quite. The suspect runs out the store. An innocent man dies for no reason....and they say to give the suspect whatever he wants.:barf: :barf:


New member
a screwdriver while not an edged weapon can kill you just like a knife. Not to mention the fact that the guy sounds like he is mentally unstable. If you get within reach with a baton all it takes is one lucky poke by the guy with the screwdriver.


New member
I don’t really see the need to shoot the guy with a screwdriver that was the first stupid action.

A screwdiver is just as deadly as a knife. Im not about to bring a springy baton thing to a knife fight. Thats a stupid action.


New member
Officers in Indiana carry a metal rod that’s made from a spring and has a quarter sized steel ball on the end. I can guarantee that if one of the officers had hit the man on the arm the screwdriver would have been on the ground.

Don't we wish..... I wish I had videos of some of the stuff I have seen where drugged/drunk/whacko folks took full-bore shots with an ASP, PR24 etc. and either stared at the officer like they were stupid, or launched a flat-out assault. The old 1 1/2" hickory batons were pretty good; at least you could butt-stroke with them, or break an arm if you had to. And I have seen them broken, too.

If 'nut boy' was far enough gone that he is "tased repeatedly and keeps pulling the wires out" there's nothing you're going to accomplish with a collapsible baton- except getting stuck with a screwdriver. Which ain't pretty, and tends to smart a mite whether it kills you or not. Screwdrivers BTW are favored weapons in prision killings, when they are available.

This guy needed shot; the 'threatening move' made him bought & paid for. It's just a shame that it wasn't done cleaner.

Wyo Cowboy

New member
I'd recently seen the "screwdriver" video during a requal event. The instructor used that video to demonstrate how NOT to deal with a subject holding a non-firearm type weapon. Too close, too many people, no clear lanes of fire, numerous Rule 4 violations, etc.