Stupid comments from the media!!


New member
Was listening to the news when the anchorman stated the beginning August 1 Texas would allow students to carry guns in the classroom at the universities. He followed by stating that there was concern about this law because it could lead to more violence and more suicides.

Does he not realize that if anyone is intent on killing themselves they are going to do it, regardless of the new laws that come into effect. Why don't they say the gas tax and tobacco tax increases lead to more suicides. The media needs to police themselves up some more.

Was wondering what stupid stuff you've heard from the media.
ms6852 said:
The media needs to police themselves up some more.
The media police themselves very well. That's why you virtually never see or hear anything in the mass media that could be construed to portray guns or gun owners in a positive light.


New member
Was wondering what stupid stuff you've heard from the media.

I'll never forget the time my small town newspaper (town's population 5800) printed a story about a guy that opened a gun shop in town. It was actually a neutral story, maybe even a bit on the pro gun side. Anyhow, they showed the new shop owner holding a Colt M1911A1 in 45mm.

45mm? I'd like to see the guy that could hold on to that handgun! :eek:


New member
I wouldn't count on the mainstream media to be very objective. Is there any current data on how journalists vote? I think about 25 years ago the tally was around 89% of the journalists voting Democrat. And if the current score is anywhere around that, favorable articles on guns will be scarce :)


New member
What some fail to realize is that more and more public opinion isn’t influenced so much by the “mainstream media” as it is by social media. Things like Twitter and Facebook are having a much bigger impact on many people than the tradition broadcast or print media.

Recent revelations that Facebook is tailoring their algorithms to push news stories to their users that match the political leanings of Facebook executives show how easily this is done. For instance it has been reported that there is an internal debate as to whether Facebook has a “responsibility” to prevent a Trump Presidency. Also, Mark Zuckerberg has shown a willingness to cooperate in pushing an anti-gun agenda and could easily tailor stores that members see in this manner.

No, the media isn’t stupid and they know exactly what they are doing as they use technology to push their political agenda which very often includes more gun control. Sadly many Americans have no idea it’s even happening and are simply too lazy to pursue other sources.


While appearing to be a recent trend this has been going on for decades. Read up on how the media was complicit in Harry Truman's speechwriter. He had a notion to outlaw switchblade knives, and put out an extensive long term campaign in print demonizing them and racially profiling the user base. The point was to get a law passed where none needed to exist and the result was switchblades were banned in interstate commerce - while still being legally issued and used in the military.

Fast forward to the AWB and the same campaign was used to the same end.

All this was done starting in the early 50's and is still going on.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
He followed by stating that there was concern about this law because it could lead to more violence and more suicides.

This is a correct statement IF it means that such concerns were brought up at time of passage, during implementation of the law and in the discussions at the private colleges and universities as to opting in or out.

Whether is is true that concealed carry will lead to more suicide and violence is an empirical debate.

However, the concerns have been raised all along the process.

Did the reporter say that he or she examined the evidence and came to a conclusion that this was true?

Subtle difference but an important one.


New member
A professional engineer, attorney, or doctor studies for years, takes a rigorous exam, and only after passing the entire testing regimen is allowed to practice.

If you want to be a professional journalist, just get a paycheck and you are one.


New member
The whole premise is to make something socially unacceptable, then you can easily ban the item or action. It's a formula that works. They will eventually win with guns.
Billionaires are funding politicians on state and local levels. Buying media spots and producing documentary films.

Some things are truly a good change. Some things are someone's personal dislike of something and becomes their campaign for control.

You can get beat for aligning with a candidate, these days; getting beat for an NRA sticker is just around the corner.


New member
Was listening to the news when the anchorman stated the beginning August 1 Texas would allow students to carry guns in the classroom at the universities. He followed by stating that there was concern about this law because it could lead to more violence and more suicides.

If the anchorman reported the point of view of both sides then that's fair unbiased reporting and not necessarily the anchorman's point of view. If he was doing an opinionated commentary then I would be skeptical.

Some media does have a very left or right wing bias but I think most do it to mainly stir up emotions and increase ratings. They are a business and making money often motivates them more than anything else.


New member
Living in Ct, I get bombarded with stupid media comments. for example :Blaming bushmaster and the LGS owner for what that crazed kid did for instance. The laws becoming more and more anti gun . This BS is constantly in the "news". you have to tune most of it out


New member
Last year after a 4 year old shot and killed his 10 year old brother after finding a pistol in the couch cushions, the local media stated "police are still investigating for a possible motive in the unfortunate shooting".


New member
Today you have instant access to news sources that will reflect whatever opinions you hold. If other sources make you angry or upset it is pretty easy to tune them out. And if you're motivated you can use online resources as a means of becoming a disseminator of news and opinion, and possibly reach a pretty big audience. I couldn't name the anchors of the big three evening news broadcasts, but I know who my favorite podcasters are.


New member
In response to Glenn E Meyer's question, the reporter did not mention that he had evidence, that there was only concern for more violence and suicides. Personally I can understand the concern for more violence, but what I still do not understand is the concern for more suicides.

If an individual is so distraught as to take his or her own life I do not think that passing of this bill would be the main reason that caused the rise in suicides. If this is the case than texting and social media should be outlawed as well, bullying has increased over the Internet in the last few years, maybe we should stop building building higher than two stories,bridges, etc.,etc, etc.