Stun guns for police 'can harm health'


New member

Stun guns for police 'can harm health'

By Sophie Goodchild Home Affairs Correspondent

23 June 2002

Electric stun guns, expected to be used by police forces across Britain, could cause heart attacks and miscarriages, says a leading scientist.

Dr Harold Hillman, a retired biochemist from the University of Surrey, claims the guns, used in crowd control, could harm those with undetected heart defects. He did research for Amnesty International, which is calling for international suspension of all electric shock technology until further research on its impact.

"The stun gun is very harmful. The Home Office is forwarding plans to introduce these when not enough research has been done," he said.

Dr Hillman experimented on rats, and consulted witness accounts, autopsies after electric chair executions, and reports of inmates tortured or restrained with electrical devices. The studies concerned voltage and currents producing energy levels similar to those of the stun guns.

Stun guns, also known as tasers, cause incapacity by delivering a 30,000-volt electric shock. On firing, they release two 20ft coils of wire which strike the victim and deliver a shock. Three Whitehall departments, worried over the use of the guns for torture, have banned their export. But the Home Office's police scientific development branch has been assessing non-lethal armoury, including tasers.

Dr Brian Rappert, of the University of Nottingham, who has studied tasers, said: "Assessments, no matter how rigorous, cannot ... guarantee the acceptability of weapons in practice."


New member
War story, war story! Attention, TFL, KSFreeman is going to tell yet another war story about his LEO daze. Those whose eyes glaze over at his silly, sappy stories about hot women, car chases and jumping out of black helicopter stories, and being suave, witty and urbane, hit the back button now.

Working as a LEO. They bring this guy into court who had done his DOC time and his PD filed for jail time credit while he was down at the county for his local time (convicted in two different courts--one a heavy felony, the other a misdemeanor).

PA and PD are at bench. Guy turns over table and begins shouting calling upon his friends in the spirit world for help. Bailiff, retired Lafayette po-po with a bad knee (and yet he was in front of me, me--eyeing the jury room and wishing we could carry .45s), rushes forward and attempts to be his friend.

Rolling on ground and punches. Subjects right themselves. Bailiff whips out stun gun. Guy, "you realize as an immortal, those earth weapons have no impact upon me." More fun ensues.

If anyone has seen the Rodney King tape (all of it) or has seen Mas Ayoob eat one, they realize that these things are perfect for England--silly and ineffective.


New member
Hey, KS, what about the hot women??? You promised us hot women!!!! :p

KSFreeman opined:
these things are perfect for England--silly and ineffective.

Must be why they're talking about putting them on airplanes. Heaven forbid that the gummit allow the little people to have an effective means of defense! :rolleyes:


New member
Hot women? I respect their minds, thank you very much, paper.

(There was this one time, at a NorthWestern seminar, there were these two young and nubile female-type ADAs from the Land of Orange--I have to stop there, family forum and all).:)


New member
(grabs notebook and No. 2 pencil)

That is the 8,254 time KSFreeman has used the phrase "young and nubile".

Yes, I have better things to do with my time. :p


New member
The stun gun is very harmful.

I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a concern.

(Apologies to Charles Babbage.)


New member
If anyone has seen ... Mas Ayoob eat one

Mas Ayoob fed me one. I resisted the urge to ask what the he11 that was supposed to be, and instead dumped 17 rounds into a target - a task that took long enough that I began to suffer from boredom. Obviously I did not suffer a heart attack, and am unlikely to suffer a miscarriage.

To paraphrase Cooper: if carrying a stungun comforts you, do so - but if you do, do not insert the battery, for you may find reason to use it, which will annoy your attacker and give him reason to cause you great harm.


Staff Emeritus
The first thing that comes to mind is that Amnesty International needs to get off their lily-white, ivory-tower butts and start enforcing laws.

"Don't like the way we're doing it? Fine. Here's the badge, you do it."

Second, I don't know about England, but around here if you're doing something that causes the electronic defense stuff to get un-lockered, then the electricity is the least of your cardiac/miscarriage risks.



New member
Three Whitehall departments, worried over the use of the guns for torture, have banned their export.
Isn't it good to know that the rest of the world is safe? Provided of course, that no one outside of Q Branch ever figures out how to combine coiled copper wire and a battery...


New member
KSFreeman opined:
these things are perfect for England--silly and ineffective.

I would tend to agree. Here's why.

Heart attacks? Miscarriages? At a wimpy little thirty grand voltage? These people have overinflated ideas about their own importance.


New member
Hmmm. He examined persons executed by electric chair? And he found that electricity can harm humans?


Uh, question. Where did a Brit find people to examine? They don't have captital punishment over there. Did he come here? Then why didn't he do some research on victims of tasers HERE? We've got plenty of them.

Maybe he didn't want to know???