Stun Canes??

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New member
Because of back and feet problems I use a cane when I walk (actually hobble) any distances. 20-30 is yards and I do not use a cane.

My standard canes are Walmart drug store variety and I would not consider them extremely valuable as a defensive weapon.

I usually carry two guns and and am somewhat proficient shooting one handed off hand.

However with age, I have gotten a bit slow on the draw.

Been wondering how to use my cane of defense to be more quickly reactive.

I have come across what is called a Stun Cane. Kinda like a a Taser I guess.

Do any of you folks use a stun cane and do you think it worth purchasing?

The ones I see look like a weapon and do not seem to be very subtle in their use.

Mal H

Sorry, but TFL isn't the forum for questions such as this as our focus is only on firearms.

You might try the "Non-Firearm Weapons" subforum at our sister site,

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