Student sues college for psychiatric abuse

Dennis Olson

New member
Okay kiddies, I guess that this little incident CONFIRMS that it's "okey-dokey" to abuse and jail Christians, just for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Hmmmm.....

Though not specifically firearm-related, it clearly demonstrates how those in power threat "the little people" when they can "get away" with it.



A junior at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pa., is suing university officials for allegedly having him involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward following a dispute over a play depicting Jesus Christ as a homosexual.

According to Brian Fahling, an attorney with the AFA Law Center in Tupelo, Miss., which is handling the case, Michael A. Marcavage was detained after he "initiated a Christian response" to the university theater department's decision to stage "Corpus Christi," a play that made its debut on Broadway in 1998 and depicts Jesus as a homosexual who has sex with his disciples

(end snip)


Caeca Invidia Es

Staff Alumnus
If you can get commited for something as trivial as that it is a wonder they allow me to wander around freely.

*** is wrong with this country these days?


New member
:mad: I'd say something but what I have to say about these people probably isn't exactly fit to air.
Yet another example of liberals exercising their artistic rights under the 1st Amendment while turning a blind eye to the same amendment when someone takes exception to their work. It's certainly sad that disagreeing with a person or a group can now get an individual committed.

Furthermore, this case shows how narrow-minded professed "free-thinking" liberals really are if they can't handle a challenging point of view.

Zach Vonler

New member
It seems obvious to me that the guys that committed him are the ones who are a "clear threat to [themselves] or a clear threat to others." When I read the subject I thought the story would be some kid suing because his courseload was too hard. This is a serious case though, and I hope he gets some cash out of it (though I'd rather see some firings).


I contacted Temple University. I spoke with a Sgt. Robert OMalley, who was the desk sergeant for the Campus Security and he REFUSED to transfer me to either Bergman or Bittenbender offices. I then spoke with the Presidents office and they refused comment and shuffled me to the University Counsels office. There, they did indeed confirm that their was a lawsuit pending and they had no further comment on the matter. Hope the kid sues them for enough money to finish his education elsewhere, cause after the lawsuit is over with, this kid doesn't have a chance of ever graduating from Temple. My .02.


New member
Actually he should probably stay at Temple. Keep his attorney on retainer and anytime they try to jack with him sue them again. He could force the professors to pay very close attention to what he says and what they say. More importantly if he wanted to really play he should keep track of what the professors say to others and how they treat other students. Nothing like documented examples of prejudical treatment.


I passed this story on to every Christian I know, about twenty, and they passed it on to everyone they know. I have started getting emails or fwd emails of how unbelieveable this all is AND how each person who contacts me, has already written and/or called the University to express their displeasure at this happening. I am not stopping either. I am about to start contacting church staffs via email and pass this story even further. WE all have to do what we can do.