Stuck Case in AR-9 Chamber


New member
There is a stuck partial 9mm case in the chamber of my AR-9 (see attached photo). I believe it must have been a weak case, and the extractor tore the case head off leaving part of the case body inside. I’ve tried every less aggressive thing I can think of to get it out with no luck. Since it’s a 9mm and there’s a lip where the mouth of the casing headspaces, and the case is flush with the lip, I think it will have to be pulled out from the chamber end somehow, rather than pushed from the muzzle end. Any ideas?



New member
Split case might also be the result of an unsupported cartridge not fully into battery, or so I think--I've had a few in my 10mm AR blowback build. Just a thought. Oops just noticed you want to know how you get it out--My feeble mind is trying to remember but I think I got the answer after googling for it. I'll try again.
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New member
I got it out by contracting it with a compressed air can turned upside down, shoving a tight fitting jag and patch into the chamber, and it pulled right out. Thanks.

ETA: if it weren’t fully into battery, then would the case mouth not have been flush with the lip at the end of the chamber? I’m running a heavy buffer and extra power recoil spring, and the gun was clean when this happened.


New member
ETA: if it weren’t fully into battery, then would the case mouth not have been flush with the lip at the end of the chamber? I’m running a heavy buffer and extra power recoil spring, and the gun was clean when this happened.
Hard to say--the 9mm AR's seem to work a bit more consistently--but because of the blunt pistol bullets my 10mm's don't always go in straight--they are "swatted" into the chamber by the bolt that rides along that (ridiculous, IMO) combination carrier rail/ ejector. I know many people disagree with me--but the AR was designed from the ground up as a locking bolt design IMO and the whole heavy carrier/spring/buffer I think is hokey. Flame away everyone--but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Look at how pronounced that radiused chamber face opening is--probably to up the odds of a cartridge not hanging at an angle.

I don't know about your split case--but mine are almost always perfectly symmetric around the datum of the case head and body junction--one of the weakest areas in pistol cases in my experience--especially after repeated firings.
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New member
There are tools to move stuck cases like that.

They basically grab into the case and pull it out of the chamber to the rear.

Glad you got it out without needing anything special.

As to why it happened, hard to say. Could be a bad case.

It is a blowback action in a rifle never designed for it. So they are hacked together a bit. Seems they are on the edge of running with all the spring and buffer weight you need with them.


Your heavy buffer... Is it a 9mm buffer? If so, does it have internal weights, you may be able to swap those for tungsten if they are not already. I had a steel 9mm buffer once that had steel weights inside, swapped them for tungsten to increase weight... Needed to use this buffer on a very over gassed AR10 build... Fixed it with a new barrel shortly after.


New member
Glad it came out...

What brand ammo ?

And can you post photos of some of the fired cases ?

I am curious if your chamber might be rough.


New member
It was GA Arms factory reloads. I don’t have any of the other fired cases, but 4 or 5 other types of ammo have been flawless in the rifle so far, I have about 500 rounds though it. The chamber doesn’t look or feel rough.