Stripper clips for .308 Mauser 98?


New member
Where might I find stripper clips for my (conververted to) .308 Mauser 98? It has the guide built into the receiver. Or does anyone know of S clips not intended for that application but would work? Would need only to hold 5 .308 rounds.


New member
Since no one has answered your question yet, I'll take a stab at it.
I have not used the stripper clip option on any of my Mausers since the late 60's or early 70's. The system works really slick and fast, but there just isn't much need for fast reloading where I live in the Mid West. If one were a soldier carrying a bandalier of ammo all set up in stripper clips, it really would be the ticket.
When I was using them, I had an FN Mauser of Peruvian origin that had been converted to 30/06, a combination I have always liked. The ammo we were using back then was supplus U.S. 30/06 and the stripper clips were really made of the '03 Springfield. It did not make any difference, though, because most of these stripper clips are the same.
The head size of all cartridges made by Paul Mauser and the whole 30/06 and .308 Winchester family of cartridges are all the same: .473". The stripper clips made of any of the Mauser cartriges or the U.S. rounds will in all probability work just fine in your .308 Win. Masuer. In fact, the U.S. government paid Paul Mauser a royalty payment to use his stripper clip system way back when the Army designed the '03 Springfield, so we didn't have to come up with some inferior way to get around his brilliant and simple invention.
The only place you might go wrong is if you got a hold on some clips made for the British or the Russian rimmed cartridges. I can only guess that these would not work in a Mauser. The 6.5 Swedish Mauser was designed by the Swedes and is just a bit bigger at the base than the U.S. and German rounds, but I wouldn't be too surprised if clips made for these worked just fine in most Masuers despite thsi fact. The stripper clip system depends on good fit of clip to rifle, but it is not overly delicate in this regard.
So the bottom line is that you can use just about any of stripper clips you see advertized in the gun sales magazines (Shotgun News, Gun List, etc). And if for some bizare reason one type of clip does not work out right, it won't be any big loss as they are cheap. When you order them you will think they are cheap, when you see how simple and flimsy they really are, you will wonder why you paid so much for them.
So just buy a minimum number at first to see if they really work and if you really feel like loading this way.
Everybody who has Mausers or Springfields should try a few of these out at least once: this was originally one of the major selling points of these rifles and it really does work impressively.

Ruben Nasser

New member
Like Herodotus (excellent handle, by the way!!) said, any mauser clip will do. Look for any 5 shot mauser clips for 308, 30-06, 8mm mauser, 7mm mauser, 6x55 swedish, 7.65x53, etc.


New member
Thanks a lot guys! This is kind of what I suspected but wanted confirmation before I splashed out the "big bucks". Again, thanks.
The 7.65 Arg strippers work reasoanbly well with the .308
FWIW: If you are inclined towards the notion of a 'scout' type scope - i.e.,way out there some way down the barrel, ahead of the reciever, you can still keep the stripper clip. With a standard scope mount - of course not. The military rear sight makes a pretty good starting point for mounting one of these scopes. I'm working on the idea at this time, sticking a Shilen 308 Barrel on an Argie Mauser (with additional refinements such as a Timney trigger group). Just for the hell of it really... will post somewhere how it works out :)

Hasta pronto (from Mauser country - Argentina)
Peter Knight


New member
That scout configuration is exactly what I've got.. let me tell you, it's pretty sweet.
Thanks for the SC advice.

James K

Member In Memoriam
The standard M98 clip for 8mm will work fine. The 8mm, 7mm, .308, and .30-'06 all have the same base size. The 7.65 and 6.5 x 55 have bigger bases and their clips are larger. The M14 clip will work after a fashion, but with regular 98 clips so common, there is no reason to make do with any substitute.

BTW, you may want to remove the clips by hand after loading, but they will pop out when the bolt is closed and that is they way they were intended to be used.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited July 17, 2000).]