Striker fired Sig

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This is the first I've heard of it so you got to the party before I did. Looks interesting. One of the best looking poly striker pistols too. And it's a SIG. I bet they sell a ton of them.


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I'll keep an eye out to see some hands on reviews of it. It seems a little pricey for my blood, but Sigs always have a place in my gun cabinet. I'm interested.



Will this new SIG polymer model phase out the older DAK type P250?
Also the pics on look slightly different from the Youtube promo video. The website pistols do not have trigger safety controls like the Ruger SR & Glocks. I prefer the smooth simple one piece style polymer trigger.

Overall the new SIGs look impressive but I'm not sure what they do that the P250 line wasn't already available for. :confused:


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ClydeFrog said:
Overall the new SIGs look impressive but I'm not sure what they do that the P250 line wasn't already available for.

I owned one of the P250s, and one of the biggest complaints most people have with them is the tremendously long trigger. Combine that with the widespread popularity of the striker-fired handgun, and this only makes good sense.



To my limited knowledge, the SIG P250 compact & sub-compact were selected by the FAMS: . The Air Marshals used the .357sig P229Rs for many years.
I've never shot any P250s so I can't remark on the triggers but the safe, DA only system makes sense for a duty pistol or carry gun.
When arming a PD or LE/armed security agency you need to factor in the training levels, hand strength, sizes, etc.
Some TFLers may say "eh" or "so what" but a few police agencies & federal departments have faced class action lawsuits over weapons/training standards.



New member
I have a Sig P250 in 9mm. I really like the modular design and ergonomics of the gun, but the crazy long trigger pull and reset keep me from shooting it very often. My wife shoots it much more than I do. That being said, I'd love to try out one of the P320's to see how it compares to the P250. If the trigger is better I would move to the P320 in a second.


New member
Thanks for the link TunnelRat. Looks like I missed that one and was late to the party after all. I'm surprised there's not a little more buzz around this model.

Why would there be really? The market is flooded with striker fired pistols. It's not new, and tbh I don't see what's new about this.
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