Strike Hold for cleaning and lubricating guns


New member
I watched a video on YouTube dealing with the take down and cleaning of a gun I just bought. In the video Strike Hold is used as an all purpose cleaner and lubricant and was highly recommended by the individual who did the video. I've read a few reviews on that seem positive but wondered if anyone on this forum has personal experience with it. The idea of using one easy spray bottle on each part of the gun, letting it sit a few minutes then wiping it off, and not needing to then oil the rails or other parts of the gun seems almost too easy to be true (I've had a tendency in the past to end up using too much oil, which seems to then attract grit and dust). So, have you used it and what did you think about it? I've just ordered an 8oz bottle from the manufacturer for $9.95, but an additional $6.50 handling and postage. I've give my own review after I've had the chance to use it a few times. And as much as I love the smell of Hoppes #9, it drives my wife crazy so I won't mind if I don't need to use the Hoppes anymore.


New member
I remember that stuff... used it back in 2003/04. Worked pretty good as I recall, and didn't attract dirt, sand or solfugids.
I think they changed the formula back around then too... the first version was a little carcinogenic'ish.

Crap... now that I remember it, I might have to order some myself. :rolleyes:



New member
I've been using it, for about six months. I try to use it sparingly, in places that I want some lubrication, but where I can't reach with a needle or swab. Due to the price, I'll usually clean with something like brake cleaner, then follow-up with the Strike Hold to make sure all of the surfaces are protected. Strike Hold is an excellent solvent, cleaning firing residue from the barrel and frame like nothing else I've tried, but again, I try to limit its use to specific areas where it excels, rather than as a general-purpose CLP. If someone gave me a pallet-load of it, I might not use anything else for cleaning and preserving, but would still use traditional oil and grease for lubrication.


New member
I've used it some and really like it. My dad got it at a gunshow where the guy sprayed an electric drill and left it sitting in a tank of water running and would casually stick his hand in the water with the drill.


New member
Yeah, the guy at the gun show had a similar display--electric drill running underwater in a fish bowl.

I bought a small (2 fl. oz.) spray bottle, about $5. Haven't gotten to try it yet.

In retrospect, I have my doubts that it will clean better than Ed's Red or Hoppes, of which I have a good supply.

Pretty sure nothing will touch Eezox in corrosion prevention, because nothing has so far.

I don't own an electric powered .45acp, so...maybe PT Barnum was right after all.

In the mean time, maybe I'll spray down all my electric tools and do a rain dance. :)

Oh well, it's only five bucks. I've paid a lot more and gotten a lot less.


New member
Not safe

Use protective gloves. The tip of my finger I used to apply Strike Hold went numb for about 16 hours.

Personally, not impressed. I cleaned a Beretta Tomcat with MP Pro 7, then lubed with Strike Hold. The action was slow and gummy. Cleaned again with MP Pro and used Gunzilla CLP; much smoother and proper action. Used Strike Hold on some magazines; still not impressed. The silicone cloth works better.