Strength of Savage 340 action?


New member
Was wondering if the .30-30 was as potent as it will take ....or could I rebarrel/chamber to .307 Win. ??


New member
If your Savage 340 is the same as mine...

Then you've got all of one (1) locking lug, just like the earlier Krag-Jorgensen rifle. From my Speer manual, the .30-30 Winchester generates 38,000 c.u.p. of pressure. The .307 Winchester, a rimmed variant of the .308 Winchester, generates 52,000 c.u.p. of pressure. Wanna trust that to just one locking lug? :(


New member
FWIW they were also chambered in .225 Win which operates at a similar pressure level. The .307 is a larger case though. Would they even fit in the mag?? .30-30 Ackley Imp might be the way to go.
