Street Kings


New member
I went to see this movies yesterday and thought it was pretty good. The actors played their roles quite nicely and of course there were plenty cool guns featured in the movie :D The main actor carried a 1911 as well as a S&W auto (645?) most of the time. Several other plainclothed cops were carrying 1911s too (Kimber I think) which surprised me, you don't see many in movies.
The gunfights were very nice also, since they were more on the realistic side (as far as Hollywood movies go, anyway). I like the fact that the actors had some serious firearms training. That is probably one of the reasons why the gun scenes looked so good. Here's a short video that shows some of the actors training :

I like it when Chris Evans says: "Great. Love it!" That's a lot better than the usual anti-gun BS you hear from Hollywood actors:) If more of them actually tried shooting sometime, they would probably like it.

All in all a very good movie (IMO) that I will definitely buy on DVD as soon as it hits the stores.


New member
Something's not working properly, my first post was cut in half and this second one doesn't work either...:confused::confused:
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